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Monday, June 28, 2010

Summer Blog

So, in order to celebrate summer, I will:
*Change my blog background for a more summery feel
*Try to create more summer related posts
*Put up summer related polls, pics, etc.
*Go on vacation
*Read a book
*Hang out with some friends

Anyways, I got to get going! Need to get some breakfast....see you and have a great summer!

Summer Fun Begins!

So...let's see what you could do over the summer...
*Visit Japan
*Try to make a solar powered game system
*Try to find the lost treasures of the world
*Learn to speak Italian
*Build a time machine out of cardboard and new undiscovered minerals
*Set a world record for the longest piece of bubblegum


*Read a good book
*Go on a family vacation
*See a movie with your friends
*Surf the web all day
*Go to the mall

And the list goes on! So why not enjoy summer! It'll be over before you know it, so try to make the most of it!

Summer! there are three side to this holiday...

"Aww...I miss my friends soooo much! I can't believe school is over already!"
"Yay! No more homework or teachers! Just summer fun!"
"Summer's great, and no homework is definitely good, but I do kind of miss my friends from school..."

But no matter how you feel about this holiday, celebrate a bit! (Or a least relax a little...) See it as a break from school drama. (For those who actually HAVE drama to deal with...) And a chance to relax!

Always Deep Words: Happenings At Heart

Today's quote of the day is...

"Deep summer is when laziness finds respectability. -Sam Keen"

This has been an "Always Deep Words: Happenings At Heart" quote of the day. Brought to you by: "Summer Quotes From Quote Garden"

Friday, June 25, 2010

Make A Wish!

I just happened to notice that it was 11:11PM!!! Make a wish! (If you believe in this type of thing...if you don't, you can just move on to the next post...)

Always Deep Words: Happenings At Heart

Today's Quote of the Day is...

"There are no good-byes, where ever you'll be in my heart. -Ghandi"

This ha sbeen an "Always Deep Words: Happenings At Heart" quote of the day. Brought to you by: "Good-Bye Sayings from Quotes N' Sayings

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Always Deep Words: Happenings At Heart

Today's quote of the day is...

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams -Eleanor Roosevelt"

This has been an "Always Deep Words: Happenings At Heart" quote of the day. Brought to you by: "Graduation Quotes From Quotes N' Sayings"

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Always Deep Words: Happenings At Heart

Today's quote of the day is...

"Infinity is a floorless room without walls or ceiling. -Anonymous"

This has been an "Always Deep Words: Happenings At Heart" quote of the day. Brought to you by: "Mathematics Quotes from Quotes N' Sayings"

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Birthdays: My mini-guide to a GREAT birthday(Or at least a decent one...)

My mini-guide to a great, or at least decent, birthday!

I feel that there are certain components needed to be happy on your birthday...

#1: Create A Happy Atmosphere: Well, you're not going to be happy if everyone around you is depressed, sad, or irritated, are you? So at least TRY to create an atmosphere that's, well...positive! It's simple, actually. Just, nice and happy! Eventually, everyone else will be too!
#2: Say "Thank-You": Well, if you're going to recieve a gift or a "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" or something, at least thank them. Or smile. Let them know that what they're doing is appreciated. I mean, everyone loves gifts. (Well, most people...) And you should be happy people remembered your birthday! So appreciate it! ^-^
#3: Don't go over the top: Most people love birthdays, of course, but that doesn't mean you can act snobby or bossy! Happy is one thing, but ordering people around and being snobby is another. You shouldn't be the only happy one on your birthday. I'd rather not repeat myself, so just see #1...

See? That wasn't so hard, was it? It's not like, some loooong report consisting of 1,000,000,001 "rules"! So, Happy Birthday to all those to come! ^-^

Always Deep Words: Happenings At Heart


Today's my birthday! (So happy! ^-^)

So let's see what quote today's quote is...

"Your birthday is a special time to celebrate the gift of you to the world. -Anonymous"

This has been an "Always Deep Words: happenings At Heart: quote of the day!(Birthday edition!) Brought to you by: "Birthday Sayings&Quotes from Quotes N' Sayings"

So...the next post for today, will be a special birthday post! ^-^

Oh, and, as usual, I'll be changing the theme and adding a poll, as I have for the past occasions. ^-^ They will be up for about a week or so. We'll see! ;)