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Thursday, July 29, 2010



This much of summer has already passed, huh? (I can already hear the "Don't remind me!"s) It's surprising how fast summer passes, whether you're bored, having fun, or just plain busy. (I think I'm either a combination of two, or a combination of all three.) Anyways, my advice? enjoy the rest of summer! (I mean, if it's going to pass quickly anyways, what's the point of being bored all day?) Hang out with friends, buy new stuff, read that book you've been meaning to finish, do something! If you've been really busy all summer though, once you get a chance, you should relax. Summer is about having fun, but it's about relaxing too! (Being bored shouldn't be an option, but it usually happens...I've been bored for almost the past month now...) Sleep in, sleep late, do stuff you could never do on school days! Enjoy summer, because(Although many people don't want this to happen)before you know, it'll be back to school and back to those busy scheduled days once again. Whether you're at a new school, going to the same school, or just starting school, you should relax this summer and enjoy the summer before the busy days of school arrive (once again).

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