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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day 19

day 19 → a talent of yours

Well, I guess I'll just say 3?...maybe? O.o

*Figuring out songs by ear (On the piano)
*Learning languages (If I really want to, I can learn words/phrases subconsciously!)
*Writing (Stories and stuff...I'm very visual/imaginative....the visual thing is both a good and bad thing XD) (Which can help for comics...which my friend says I'm very good at?)

Anyways, can't believe I'm more than halfway through this already O.O XD
Anyways, yay day 19! (I realized that my pictures are getting more specific to the post...unlike the first one, which was pretty general :P)

Note: The picture is of 'Tong Hua' the first song I figured out both left and right hands, and pretty well too~
So, yeah....(Obviously, my way is a little different, but...oh well :P This is also my favourite song, and the way I congratulated myself for getting into a certain program!~) (Sorry if it looks kind of weird...^^;...)

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