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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

It's Been So Long Since I've Posted @_@

OK, one word, I've been:
Super busy @_@
On the brighter side, I've been going super manga crazy! (Otaku!) If you don't understand why that's a good thing, you'll need to look on the Otaku side of things :P (If you don't know what an Otaku is, I have two suggestions for you: a) Go read some manga or something b) Look it up XD) Some of the manga I can't stop reading:
*Vampire Knight (Love that manga!!! Listening to 'I Have A Dream' from the Vampire Knight OST right now...^-^~)
*Ouran High School Host Club (It's starting to get really good! And it has a nice dose of comedy...hee hee...)
*La Corda D'Oro (Started watching the anime like, 2 or so months ago...I love it!)
*The Wallflower (This book is actually really good...hee hee...)
*And many others...(Basically: Too many to list XD)

Anyways, I've been super bored, lately....there's been, well...everything?
I've decided one thing, though:
Also, if you're wondering about the piano keyboard in the picture...
Piano's been a huge part of my life lately (If you count out homework...and stress....and you know, the usual...)
How? Well....
(Besides the piano exam I just had in January @_@)
I've been learning a lot of new songs and things like that! It's been nice...^-^~
Anyways, after this huge snow storm(ish) day, I realized how much I miss my old friend :( (I see some of them sometimes....kind of...)
I hope I get to see them soon...
Anyways...I'm counting down the months to summer...which will be all volunteer-hour crazy for me @_@. Hopefully, I'll find time to hang out with friends, relax, and lazy and get to do all the stuff school makes me too busy to do! XD

To count down the days to summer, I'm making a 5-point star for myself! (Why do I mention 5-point when we all know that obviously stars are 5 points? For starters, there are such things as 6, 7, etc. point stars, they're just not the first thing to come into our minds when we think of 'star', AND because there are 4 months left until summer! And since I'm probably going to spend July doing volunteer hours, there are essentially, 5 months until I can finally relax!

I've been going through my iTunes to songs I haven't heard for a while ^-^~(I finally have around 250 songs on my new iTunes, bringing my total song count to AT LEAST 550! ^-^~) much to say...okay, I'm going to continue on another post! (Ahahahahahahaha...)

And in case you ever need a quote to make yourself sound amazing: (Because who doesn't want to sound amazing? ;) ) It's also good food for thought...hee hee...enjoy! (And since we're starting to talk about Shakespeare in English....)

"Honesty is the best policy. If I lose mine honor, I lose myself. -William Shakespeare"

This has been an "Always Deep Words: Happenings At Heart" quote of the day.
Brought to you by: "Honesty Quotes and Sayings from Quotes N' Sayings"
Note: if you think the 'mine honor' is a mistake. It's not. The quote is actually like that. I googled it to make sure :P...

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