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Thursday, March 24, 2011


So, we all know about what happened in Japan, right? (If not, go look it up on Google....and watch the news or something...)

Well, I'm helping my friend send our best wishes to them! Using 1000 cranes!
A bunch of (mostly asian XD) people at my school are helping her fold 1000 cranes...with our (chinese, when applicable) names of one wing and 'Japan' (In japanese/chinese, when applicable XD) on the other wing...(I've only done about 60 something so far :P)
Anyways, so yeah...they're going to be sent to Showa High School (In Showa, Yamanashi)...
I'm happy I'm able to help/show support in any way...(I've gotten so many people to help...I can barely close my pencil case from all the cranes people are giving me to give to her to send to Japan...)
We're trying to finish by Saturday so she can send them off...(Through her sensei...)

Note: Sorry if the picture is cut of...blame LJ >_<

I'm truly hoping that Japan will find/get the help and support they need to build themselves back up...

♥~Praying For Japan~♥

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