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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

My 5-Point Star

Side Note Before I Begin: Wow...that last post was longer than I expected...good thing I separated it into paragraphs! Anyways...onto the post, and the actual topic!

Anyways, about my 5-Point Star:
*Every month, for the next 5 months, I'm going to choose 3+ different topics (At random, mostly....there may be an obvious reason/connection, but there may not be...)
*Using the 3+ topics I've chosen, I'm going to create one of the following: (**Insert sigh because Blogspot won't let me 'tab'/indent it....**)
*A short story (And this time, I will try my best not to make it too long...)
*A short poem
*A random post (Basically, if I get a new/better idea, then....yeah...)

Ex: January's (Which has past...) topics might be: White demon, garnet, Capricorn, hot chocolate (This is a good example of topics which pretty much have no (obvious) relation in any way with eachother...I mean, how are white demons and hot chocolate related to eachother?) And I might, for these topics, create a story about a hot chocolate loving white demon who is on a quest to find a magical Garnet to save a Capricorn. Random (Thought of it off of the top of my head :P), but it works! Usually, though, expect birthstones or astrological signs as a topic....I might get stuck on topics :P
Ex: (This one is more obvious :P) February's topics might be: Mage, Roses, Chocolate, Valentines, Love, Amethyst, heart (This has a more obvious relation....Valentine's Day!) I might write a poem about a mage's love, involving roses, chocolate, valentines, love, amethysts, who loves someone with all his heart. (That sounds so lame and cheesy...XD....again, off the top of my head...)

Anyways, if you still don't get it, well those over and over again until you do! XD
(Okay, Taylor Swift just came onto my iTunes a couple seconds ago (Back to December :P)...hmmm...I wonder if that's where the lame and cheesy poem idea came from?)

Anyways...I'll think of something for March! See you soon! :P

Note: I just realized how cool the white background for my star charm looks....hmm....XD

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