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Friday, March 11, 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day 09

day 09 → a photo you took

This is a pic of the Niagara Falls, with a rainbow! It's not photoshopped or anything....there just happened to be a rainbow, and it was so pretty I took a picture. If you ever get the chance, you should totally go see the Niagara Falls. It's truly breathtaking...:) (I love taking pictures, it's fun...hee hee...especially pictures of strange but cool things, or pretty views, etc.)
Anyways, isn't it so pretty? (the sky is a nice colour too, and the clouds are nice as's so pretty!!!)
So yeah, day 09...^-^~

Note: Blogspot automatically resized it, so....^^;...I'm sorry if it's not that nice!

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