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Friday, April 2, 2010


Well...I have a blog now...

I guess this means I have to talk about stuff. That's happening. Or not happening. Or that I wish were happening. Or that I hope will not happen? Anyways, this probably should be my first post, but being random is much more fun. Anyways, so...

What's Happening: I'm typing this post, thinking, and drinking 7-Up

What's Not Happening: I'm not at DisneyLand/World, or on Pluto, or falling down a rabbit hole.

What I wish were happening: I was back in China for a trip again with my family. Or talking alone with one my closest friends. (Face to face.) Or having answers to all my questions?

What I hope will not happen: I will not get abducted by aliens. Or get smashed into a wall by some gigantic hockey player. Or fall off a cliff into the ocean. Or have to sing some wierd song at the Talent Show.

This has been: A "Happenings At Heart" quick update by me!

1 comment:

  1. Oh....this is the first post...LOL...well, if you read the way I do...
