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Thursday, April 22, 2010


You know...Earth Day doesn't need to be ALL hard work...

How about having some fun while raising awareness? Here are some ideas to help you get started...

*Turn out the lights and using only a flashlight(One of those crank ones would be really good for this), play hide and seek!
*For all you competitive people out there, have a trash pick-up race! Wear plastic golves and use garbage bags to see who can pick up the most trash in a certain area in a certain amount of time!
*Spend the day outside hanging out with friends! Turn out the lights before you leave, and you'll save energy while doing this! (Talking face to face is always better than chatting through MSN!)

Now that you have three to get you started, come up with some of your own! Have fun and be green!

Earth Day Suggestion #4: Stop and look outside for a minute or two. Look at all the plants and animals and the serene and beautiful environment. Now think about what would happen if every one of those were gone. It'd feel pretty bad, right?


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