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Thursday, April 22, 2010


Who's supporting Earth Day out there...

I'm sure you know this, but many companies are supporting and promoting Earth Day! Some examples?

*Webkinz: Having a virtual trash clean up in their park
*Club Penguin: Going green! (Literally!)
*Google: Chaning its logo and linking to Earth Day related stuff

And come on, the first two sites were mostly for kids. If they can do this, I'm sure we can! Not enough? Well...
*Schools are having clean-ups(Along with the city!)
*People all over are raising awareness for the planet!

Still not enough? about you think of it this way...

How about if people were littering in YOUR home. In YOUR school. And DESTROYING YOUR STUFF. I wouldn't be very happy either. Well, that's what we're doing to those poor animals. So stop and think for a bit.

Earth Day Suggestion #3: Stop and reconsider that trash you're about to throw out. Can it be recycled? How about that blank paper you're about to waste to tell your friend about your new stuff? Is it really worth wasting?


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