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Friday, April 2, 2010

Music Memory

Today, one of my friends came over...

We got extremely bored at one point, so I took out my I-Pod and started listening to music on it. At one point, my friend turned the stereo so the I-Pod screen was no longer facing me and put it on shuffle. Turns out that she was trying to test me on how much of the music on my I-Pod I actually knew....we then got bored of that...(After going through all 456 songs on my I-Pod)And decided to play Wii. I then started thinking....and had a lot of different songs stuck in my head at the same time...(I was never sure that was possible...)but I was thinking...of so many different things that I was afraid I was going to overload my brain. Too bad that I had a lot of questions that would never be for some reason, I decided to take it out on the enemies in the game....