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Thursday, April 8, 2010

Mini PreviewXD

About the strange title....

You're probably wondering what I'm talking about. "Why is she giving me a preview? A preview for what?..." Well, for tomorrow. If you(And I)remember correctly, I started this blog last Friday. Which means tomorrow, which is a Friday, will be my one week anniversary! Although it doesn't sound as long or exciting as, say, a 15 year anniversary or your school, it's still a great to me! (And don't worry, I won't be having an anniversary next week.) And, just so you know, I'm planning to something special. probably one of the following:

*Song lyrics from my absolute favourite song(Boy will this be absolute favourite song is in a different language...)
*ROFLrazzi, MLIA, and Failblog surfing. (I'll be sure to post pictures! And tell you about some. And maybe even leave some links!)
*Update my old site and re-introduce it for you to explore! (This would probably take a while...)
*Have a themed day where I write posts relating to that theme(I'll have to think of a theme for this one)
*Anything else I think of! (^-^ Specific, I know.)
*Any suggestions?

I know I don't have many followers, or people who read my blog, but I'm still greatful for all those whom read/follow my blog. An extra early THANK-YOU to you guys! ^-^

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