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Friday, April 9, 2010


Now, this is almost the end....

Now...there's something that I worked on 2 years ago...I worked on it with my heart, and then...the site I made it on updated and changed, and I lost my account. T_T...But, it still exists, even though the main site pretty much sucks now. I made a new one a couple months ago, and I'm debating whether I care enough for it to work on it and update it even though everytime I add a picture or vid or something it logs me out and it's slow and constantly freezes and does random things and the tools bar sometimes freezes up or won't show...but...

What I had worked on? Were sites. here are the links, if you want to see what I did...My oldest one is either Christmas or Summer theme...or was it the other one. Anyways....
(Special Note: Why I picked this name? Because....
Girls: This site was more targeted towards girls(Although I do believe there was one page made in honour of my brother including things that were more...not girly....)
Pink: In honour of my best friend from then. (This was her favourite colour) During the time I was creating the site name, I was in a little bit of trouble and my best friend had been there and was still there for me the whole time.
Hope: As mentioned above, I was in a little bit of trouble at the time, so the only thing I could really do was HOPE.
Lilly: My favourite flower from then. (It still is, but it's tied with 1 or 2 now.)

My other site: (The newer one)

Okay! Enjoy! Thanks for sticking with me for this anniversary day! I'll see to if or if not I should continue working and building up these sites. You can give me your opinion, if you'd negative comments. Those are never appreciated...


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