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Saturday, April 2, 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day 29

day 29 → something that makes you amused

OMG! Second last day!~So close to finishing, hee hee~(My very first 30 day challenge :P)
Anyways, something that makes me amused...shall I just list some? XD
*Seeing smart people do dumb and funny things :P (That's one I see a lot! XD)
*Reading manga where the characters say or do something stupid, or totally cheesy XD
*Watching anime~
*Seeing strange, but funny, pictures (I may or may not have taken XD)
*Fangirling and seeing other people fangirling (XD)
*Other stuff...:P (I'm too lazy to list it all XD)

Anyways, so...yeah...I wasn't sure what to put here, so I just put something from S*A (Special A) I found really funny XD (Even though he said it so bluntly....and she still doesn't get what or why even after...XD) I was going to put a Skip Beat or Wallflower pic, but for Skip Beat, I only had romantic, cool, dramatic scenes (~~~~~~~~~) and for The Wallflower, the funny part wasn't as obvious XD 29~

Note: The book, or more specifically, a trilogy of books all put together into one large (HUGE) book, is called 'Kissed By An Angel''s a book where, no matter how you think about it, there will be no happy ending...and I watched a trailer for the show'movie for it with a little blurb as the description on pretty much strongly hints that there will be no happy ending...:(...TT_TT...a lot of scenes made me cry, and I'm only starting the third book...anyways, yeah...(The song is from the trailer....which is, BTW, fan-made :P )
Edit: I noticed that I spent a pretty good chunk of the entry talking about the trilogy I'm reading, so might as well add that into the tags XD
Edit (Again): I'm sorry if the text on the picture is hard to read...if you click on it, it turns into a much better size, if that helps at all! ^^;...

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