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Saturday, April 2, 2011


Okay, I wonder if any of you noticed this...?
But, I didn't post an entry yesterday. Even though my 30-Day Challenge is not over yet. (If I had, today would've been the last day, but I planned it so that the last day would be a Sunday :P)
Yeah...not much of a joke, but not much you can do to play a joke on your followers through your blog, can you? Well, if you can, I could've posted an entry wouldn't have worked very about if I would've been...yeah, so....I can't think of one! XD
Seems nobody really noticed April Fools this year? :P
Either that, or my school just doesn't care! (Which would surprise me, but at the same time, would feel totally normal...)
Maybe I posted this a bit late? But it wouldn't have really mattered...because it would've killed the weak joke if I posted this yesterday (?)...XD

Anyways, so...yeah...continue on with your lives, and reading, and whatnot now...yeah...alright...^^;

Note: I just realized that last year, my first post was the day after April Fool's (April 2nd) XD :P I guess this could be considered my make-up for it? Though that doesn't make sense...oh well XD Anyways, yeah :P Shame...who knows what I would've pulled last year...(?) XD

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