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Thursday, April 8, 2010

Tokio Hotel

Got a new song by Tokio Hotel today...

Well, not today, but I just added it to my I-Pod, so technically, it is today. Though I'll probably forget to bring my I-Pod downstairs to sync later, end up downloading a lot of music, finally remembering to sync it, then wait a long time for my,like, 50 new songs to sync. Anyways, it's "1000 Oceans", which is a really good song. And just so you understand the song(a little, at least) I wrote a verse from the song below!

"We have to go 1000 oceans wide~1000 dark years when time has died~1000 stars are passing by~We have to go 1000 oceans wide~1000 times against an endless tide~We'll be free to live our life."

Amazing song! ^-^

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