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Friday, April 9, 2010


To celebrate today, I'm going to give honourable mention to some of my favourite Roflrazzis and MLIAs...

Well, describing pictures are never as funny as the real guess you'll just have to live with the picture posted above. If you want to go see more(Although I warn you, some aren't...appropriate for those who are younger.....)just go to the site!

MLIA: Some funny and notable MLIA stories I've read:

"A girl in my class today asked me what Hitler's laugh name. While I was laughing hysterically, she then said "OH! Hitler doesn't HAVE a last name! -MLIA"

"I was devastated when one of my roommates hung up a New Moon poster in our dorm, until the next day when she bought a Nerf Dart Gun for the sole purpose of shooting Edward Cullen in the head repeatedly. I think I'm going to like this girl. -MLIA"

"Today, a random girl came up to me a held her hand up for a high-five. I high-fived her. She then pulled out a giant pink lollipop out of her purse. I have never felt so epic in my life. -MLIA"

I've had some "MLIA" worthy moments of my's one:

"Today, I bought a Sprite and set it down beside me while I watched a volleyball finals tournament. Then, a guy in a M&M suit came up and took it. I tried to find him in the halls, but couldn't. While I proceeded to tell my friend what just happened, he came up and handed me my Sprite. Shortly after, he asked me for change..."

That was a strange day...anyways, hope you had a great time because this Anniversary Day is just about done! (It'll feel kind of wierd because I've pretty much been blogging all day...ha ha...) Anyways, thanks for joining me today! Just sit tight for a little longer as we fly through the last minutes of this blog's first anniversary day.

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