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Friday, April 2, 2010


Today...I decided to add "Surf Roflrazzi" to my to-do list...

I decided to do a little Roflrazzi surfing today. And, I feel much happier. especially after a couple of especially funny and notable pictures. Like one that said: "Edward Cullen: Doesn't bite people, looks like he resides in the woods, and sparkles. Face it, he's not a vampire, he's a fairy." and a picture of 2 Tokio Hotel band members(One of who is Bill) with the caption: "You fail as parents: When one boy thinks he's black, and the other thinks he's a girl." As big of a Tokio Hotel fan as I am, I still couldn't help but laugh at that. Added a little laughter to the beginning of my day....

1 comment:

  1. That is so funny!
    Wow! That is a classic, I wonder if you
    could do one on Miley Cyrus!
