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Friday, April 9, 2010


My absolute favourite asian bands...

#1: 183 CLUB

Heard of this band from my ABSOLUTE favourite movie/drama/show. They sing mandarin, though, so I'm not sure how many of you out there would actually understand all the music. I don't have a favourite song, but one of them would be:

真愛(Pure/True Love)
Some lyrics from the song....(Translated to english, of course...)

"We have all once understood and had regrets~A missed opportunity in love is hard to come by again~Don't be afraid to confess or fear being spoiled by you~Forget what you should and shouldn't do~Where will you find true love again~Retrieve all the regrets~The truth of love will be elucidated~Give me more fragments to piece together the unknown accident~The first love after losing my memory"

Also #1: 7 FLOWERS

Same description as above band. This is a band of all girls, though. (The one above was all boys.) They sing together often with 183 Club. The lyrics for one of my favourite songs by them: I can't find any translated because my computer's messed up and so is Google.

YAY ASIAN MUSIC! (Stupid Google...and computer...)

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