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Monday, March 21, 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day 18

day 18 → whatever tickles your fancy

Okay, well, I spent March Break reading manga...(As I mentioned before)
SKIP*BEAT! (Again, as I mentioned before :P...well, maybe MORE than mentioned XD)

So I want to put the scene I spent the longest time fangirling about!~

Let me tell you what's really happening, kind of...(What the people are saying...)

Note: The '...'s in Ren's thoughts are the montages of images that he's seeing :P (What's happening between Kyoko and Sho XD)

Ren's thoughts: 'When I first met her, I could already...see her "specialness". And then...when we met again...her "specialness"...had become like no ordinary specialness. The reason she leapt into a world in which she had no interest...was him. In this fiercely competitive didn't take much time...for those two to meet up once more. Despite the fact that their genres...and their popularity...were completely different. It's almost as if...those two...could this be their fate? "Fate"...? For those be together? This kind of thing...Even if...It's God's will...Even if it's destiny...I shall...Destroy it. Even if...I must go against God.'


What Sho was saying: (You should've seen the look on Ren's face when he started saying this!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~<3 *fangirling again*) BUT I LOVE THIS SCENE!!! Anyways, here is what he was saying: 'To are...the one I lo-'

HE WAS ABOUT TO SAY 'To me you are the one I love'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Ren interrupts them after watching them :P Of course he pretends he was walking down casually when he was watching all this time :P
(Even Sho is suspicious...:P)

Anyways, yeah! There were a lot in like, every manga, but intense! (How could Kyoko not know what he was saying!? XD)


Day 18...:P (Such a long post...:P What happens when I start fangirling XD)

Note: LOVE LOVE LOVE this manga! (Totally want this volume for my birthday!~) ^-^~<3 (My #2...number 1 is Gentlemen's Alliance!) Listening to 'Airplanes-B.o.B ft. Hayley Williams'...also, I always listen to this song when I'm reading this manga :P (Not the Eminem one :P)

Note: Even though I usually follow a pattern when posting my pics, I love this one, so I'm putting it center! YAY FANGIRLING! XD~<3♥

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