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Monday, March 28, 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day 25

day 25 → an object/a belonging

I'm sorry for the delay(s)! Blame my messed up computer...ugh...-__-" Anyways, before it gets any worse today, I'm going to catch up on my 30 Day Challenge!

Okay, an object/belonging...I'll just list random stuff?

*My Teddy Bear: It may seem kiddish, yes, but I got it on my first birthday from my grandfather, so it means a lot to me! Plus I love cute animals, especially cute stuffed ones, so...
*My Poem Book(s): Every time I'm sad, or happy, or just because, I'll write a poem in my poem book. I'm on my third book now, though, heh heh...:P Anyways, makes me feel better. I don't really think of the poem beforehand or anything...I mean, I might think of a theme or line or something then write a poem because of that, but....yeah....moving on now :P
*My Diary: I mean...diaries...:P I have like, 5 or 6! XD It's hard keeping track of all of them...(I only know where 4 or 5 of them are :P) It's nice looking back on them and thinking one of three 3 things:
*'Wow...I was stupid back could I write that!?' O.O
*'Ah...I remember that! I miss those times...hee hee...'
*Other...(Such as: 'Things sure have changed since then...' 'Some things never change, do they?' 'What the-!?' XD, etc.)
(If you haven't noticed, I like writing a lot! Hee hee...of course, you probably would've noticed if you took a look at my LJ too :P)
*My I-Pod! I listen to it while doing homework, writing poems, writing in my diary, with friends, on a trip, on a plane, when I'm bored...when I'm sad, when I'm happy, and just because! You see, my I-Pod and music are very important to me! (That and my pics, vids, etc. :P) Too bad I can't put music from this iTunes onto my iPod yet! :P

Anyways, there's a lot more, but I think it'll take forever to list them all...:P
So....(belated) day 25!~

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