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Friday, March 4, 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day 02

day 02 → your favourite movie

Well, I can't really decide on that....(I barely watch movies :P) But if you're asking about movies in general, then....I guess....Mulan? I haven't watched too many movies, but I remember loving that movie when I was a child...(I like Asian dramas, but all those are shows, so...:P)
Alright then....favourite movie: Mulan!
Well, day 02 is done....

Side Note: I remember reading the short version of this as a Chinese story (Poem-like)....*~^-^~* The picture is so Asian :P Also, I'm still listening to my Top 25 Most Played on iTunes :P...I'm currently listening to it for the 3rd time, on number 13 XD

Edit: I was just looking up some of my favourite Asian dramas to double check that they were shows, and saw this ad for an interesting Asian drama on Dramawiki....when I posted this on my other blog, the same ad came up...XD

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