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Saturday, March 26, 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day 23

day 23 → a YouTube video

Funny how I posted Youtube as a website for my post yesterday XD
So close to being finished O.O XD
Anyways, a Youtube video...heh heh...well, I'm tempted to post a Nigahiga (Or Bubzbeauty) one :P BUT since I'm practically obsessed with dramas and animes, I'll post links to 3...

La Corda D'Oro episode 7...THIS EPISODE IS SO SWEET~<3
I would post a 'Prince Who Turns Into a Frog' vid, but I can't decide on one episode XD
Yay Nigahiga!

Okay, that's 3...(I count the Prince Who Turns Into A Frog as one...:P I just can't decide XD)
Anyways, yay day 23...:P

Note: I don't like the song I'm listening to...I honestly DO NOT...but...the lyrics aren't bad...:P...and if I make my friend listen to the lyrics I have to XD
Those are my friends...
"I know you just want to help me, but...NOOOOOOOOOOO. *Runs away* *Comes back* Unless you listen to the lyrics with me..."
When the little kid starts singing, I feel like it's kind of...awkward? O.o

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