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Thursday, August 26, 2010

What I've been up to...

Above: A pic from one of my favourite Alice Nine songs! RAINBOWS!

Ok, the next few posts are going to include pics and stuff from my computer! Just random stuff...for fun....just so you can see what's been up lately! I would've included pics of some other stuff, but this image posting thing won't let me post anything unless it's mine...well, most of anything, at least...Oh, case you didn't notice:

I have changed a few things around...look for:
*I've moved my Blog Archive(It didn't fit where it was before...)
*I've changed my "About Me!" (It's under the "Followers")
*I've added a few new links...^-^ (See beside my "About Me!")

Look for more changes coming soon! (I hope...^-^)

And about the Quote Of The Days I used to do before...I can't do it every time I put up a new post anymore....the website where I pick quote from glitches sometimes...-__-" I apologize to those who really liked those! I'll hope to put up a few more soon when it works!

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