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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Back from VACATION!

During my vacation, I realized many how things that look ok on the outside, might be crumbling on the inside...but what I realize after coming back is that deadlines rush to you a lot faster than you expect...but what struck me the most was how many things can jolt your energy and make you surprised. Don't believe me? Well...

I arrived back home yesterday night, tired, and sad that my vacation was over already. Our house was stuffy and hot(It was 35 degrees inside!)and everyone's energy was drained. I didn't sleep until about 2 in the morning...(Thank you slow air conditioning...)and when I woke up, it was already WAY past 1:00pm! (I usually wake up at about 8:00am.) I was still tired, so I just went on my e-mail to see what I missed, and what I got was the most surprising reply I had ever gotten this whole time since summer started. Let me back up see, I had sent out these e-mails to some of my friends as a thank-you to them for being such great people, and I had sent them the day before I left, and what I got back made me grateful and happy I had put in my time because the replies I got back...especially from one person, surprised me...and after a while...made me happy...

The little things that you do can sometimes come out with the most surprising results...that will make you happy...

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