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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Birthdays: My mini-guide to a GREAT birthday(Or at least a decent one...)

My mini-guide to a great, or at least decent, birthday!

I feel that there are certain components needed to be happy on your birthday...

#1: Create A Happy Atmosphere: Well, you're not going to be happy if everyone around you is depressed, sad, or irritated, are you? So at least TRY to create an atmosphere that's, well...positive! It's simple, actually. Just, nice and happy! Eventually, everyone else will be too!
#2: Say "Thank-You": Well, if you're going to recieve a gift or a "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" or something, at least thank them. Or smile. Let them know that what they're doing is appreciated. I mean, everyone loves gifts. (Well, most people...) And you should be happy people remembered your birthday! So appreciate it! ^-^
#3: Don't go over the top: Most people love birthdays, of course, but that doesn't mean you can act snobby or bossy! Happy is one thing, but ordering people around and being snobby is another. You shouldn't be the only happy one on your birthday. I'd rather not repeat myself, so just see #1...

See? That wasn't so hard, was it? It's not like, some loooong report consisting of 1,000,000,001 "rules"! So, Happy Birthday to all those to come! ^-^

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