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Thursday, July 29, 2010



This much of summer has already passed, huh? (I can already hear the "Don't remind me!"s) It's surprising how fast summer passes, whether you're bored, having fun, or just plain busy. (I think I'm either a combination of two, or a combination of all three.) Anyways, my advice? enjoy the rest of summer! (I mean, if it's going to pass quickly anyways, what's the point of being bored all day?) Hang out with friends, buy new stuff, read that book you've been meaning to finish, do something! If you've been really busy all summer though, once you get a chance, you should relax. Summer is about having fun, but it's about relaxing too! (Being bored shouldn't be an option, but it usually happens...I've been bored for almost the past month now...) Sleep in, sleep late, do stuff you could never do on school days! Enjoy summer, because(Although many people don't want this to happen)before you know, it'll be back to school and back to those busy scheduled days once again. Whether you're at a new school, going to the same school, or just starting school, you should relax this summer and enjoy the summer before the busy days of school arrive (once again).

Always Deep Words: Happenings At Heart

Today's quote of the day is...

"You are what you are and you are where you are because of what has gone into your mind. You change what you are and you change where you are by changing what goes into your mind. -Zig Ziglar"

This has been an "Always Deep Words: Happenings At heart" quote of the day. Brought to you by: "Motivational Sayings From Quotes N' Sayings"

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Always Deep Words: Happenings At Heart

Today's quote of the day is...

"In every conceivable manner, the family is link to our past, bridge to our future. -Alex Haley"

This has been an "Always Deep Words: Happenings At Heart" quote of the day. Brought to you by: "Family Quotes from Quotes N' Sayings"

Back from VACATION!

During my vacation, I realized many how things that look ok on the outside, might be crumbling on the inside...but what I realize after coming back is that deadlines rush to you a lot faster than you expect...but what struck me the most was how many things can jolt your energy and make you surprised. Don't believe me? Well...

I arrived back home yesterday night, tired, and sad that my vacation was over already. Our house was stuffy and hot(It was 35 degrees inside!)and everyone's energy was drained. I didn't sleep until about 2 in the morning...(Thank you slow air conditioning...)and when I woke up, it was already WAY past 1:00pm! (I usually wake up at about 8:00am.) I was still tired, so I just went on my e-mail to see what I missed, and what I got was the most surprising reply I had ever gotten this whole time since summer started. Let me back up see, I had sent out these e-mails to some of my friends as a thank-you to them for being such great people, and I had sent them the day before I left, and what I got back made me grateful and happy I had put in my time because the replies I got back...especially from one person, surprised me...and after a while...made me happy...

The little things that you do can sometimes come out with the most surprising results...that will make you happy...