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Thursday, August 26, 2010

What I've been up to...

Above: A pic from one of my favourite Alice Nine songs! RAINBOWS!

Ok, the next few posts are going to include pics and stuff from my computer! Just random stuff...for fun....just so you can see what's been up lately! I would've included pics of some other stuff, but this image posting thing won't let me post anything unless it's mine...well, most of anything, at least...Oh, case you didn't notice:

I have changed a few things around...look for:
*I've moved my Blog Archive(It didn't fit where it was before...)
*I've changed my "About Me!" (It's under the "Followers")
*I've added a few new links...^-^ (See beside my "About Me!")

Look for more changes coming soon! (I hope...^-^)

And about the Quote Of The Days I used to do before...I can't do it every time I put up a new post anymore....the website where I pick quote from glitches sometimes...-__-" I apologize to those who really liked those! I'll hope to put up a few more soon when it works!

I'm stuck...


So, I've been thinking of some of the stuff I want to post in the a special post! You'll see what it is soon ;) Anyways, so, I'm putting up a poll(Look to your right! Top of the page...)for you guys to vote on! I'll add a few general options(Or there'd be too much...) Any specifics will have to be either through request(Comments, whatever...)or my decision...^-^ Anyways, enjoy the future posts! And look forward for the special posts coming soon! ^-^ (If you're wondering what this picture is, see the comment...I don't know why I put it up....random urge?)


Above is the chibi of The GazettE I drew! Read more to see the details of this...ha ha...~~~

GET READY FOR A LONG POST! ^-^ (It was longer than I thought it would be...^^;

Opps...well, it looks like I haven't posted in a while.....guess it slipped my mind, ha ha...^^; Anyways, some stuff I've been up to:
*Reading manga LIKE CRAZY (Want to re-read my FAVOURITE series before school starts, and one of my manga reading sites were shut down, so I was trying to finish as much of these 3 series I was reading as possible, ha ha...)
*Watching Asian dramas LIKE CRAZY (listening to one of the drama ones..."Both Hands-Loveholic" XD) (Just finished 2, and I have another one to watch already, ha ha...)
*Downloading music and pictures (My new computer had NO pictures or music on it, so I downloaded a lot....I only have like, 30 songs, but I'm waiting to buy disks and a new monitor so I can save my pics and music from my old computer and put them on my new computer!) Most of the music I've downloaded has been from Asian dramas (The 3 or 4 I've finished this summer...)and most of the pictures I have are of my 3 favourite J-Rock bands...also, I finally got my camera phone to upload(My 2nd try on this computer, like, 5th try in total...) So, yay! (I put up and tagged some funny and wierd photos on Facebook....I can't believe some of the comments I got...)
*Hanging out with some friends (I never got the chance to hang out with some of my friends from school, but I hung out with two of my close friends, because our moms knew each other and always went to the mall together ^-^ yay!)
*Going to new/fun places and doing new be more specific:
*Niagara Falls
*Marineland(In Niagara Falls) I went on a smaller roller coaster there...and some other rides...(I don't go on the big ones because I have a fear of heights and motion sickness...^^;...not a good combo for going on roller coasters...ha ha...) I took some beautiful pictures there too! My brother went on the Skyscreamer and this HUGE coaster there too! I heard the screams of the Skyscreamer from the bottom of the mountain...^^;
*Attempted to teach my cousins English (That was a lot harder than I thought it would be...both were kind of reluctant and not very willing...)
*Went to this street of shops and stuff and went into a bunch of different new stores! (I LOVED this shop full f clothes that these people designed themselves...IT WAS AWESOME!)
*Drew a chibi of The GazettE (J-Rock band) for my friend (Based on a drawing this person did....thank you awesome person for making my job drawing the chibi easer!)

I also did some of my usual too...
*Slept :P
*Drew(Drawing) comic(s)
*Spent money

I bought a lot of new stuff for school too! Even a new backpack! (Messenger bag, that is...) I'm kind fo excited for school, but still wished that summer lasted longer...I'll post up some pics that I downloaded or something sometime! But for now, I gotta go...not only is it my brother's turn (Sorry! The post was longer than I thought...^^; ) but I'm hungry too....see you soon! ^-^