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Sunday, April 3, 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day 30

day 30 → whatever tickles your fancy

Anyways, so...last day! Exactly a month since I've started, too...:P
Anyways....what to talk about...hmm...I am, though, happy that the last day is whatever I want it to be, so I can just spewing at random! XD
I was tempted to do song lyrics or something, but...:P the post would be WAY too long! XD
Okay, so...still spewing random stuff while thinking of what to do for the last day of this challenge...ummm...something that'd be great for a last day...hmm...something that hasn't been done in the past 30(or so :P) days...
Well, I guess I'll just make the last day whatever? XD
Anyways, I guess I'll start off by talking about my strange mixed up feelings about endings of books, movies...a lot of things...:P
I'll use a book as a specific example...
I'm curious to know what the end is (Sometimes, I end up peeking at the last page...^^;...heh heh...)
But at the same time, I don't (really) want the book to end, because then it's over, it's done, that's it, and it leaves me with this mixed up feeling, that feels kind of empty and strange...
Same with things like graduations and whatnot...
I'm a strange one, I know, but, still...when I get near the end, I get this kind of sad, sentimental, slightly empty feeling knowing it's almost finished...(Especially with the book I'm reading right now...'Kissed By An Angel'...)
Strange, isn't it?
Especially with manga, too...(Same with books) I always stare at the last page, or last few pages, for a little while. Usually reading it over and over again or something, just because...trying to clearly pick up the meaning of the ending and whatnot...stuff like that...oh well...
Anyways, I guess this is what the entry ended up being about O.o
Okay, great...I'm not really sure about a pic, but...
Alright...found a pic! It's simple, gets the point across, but if you think about it...there can be a million ways to interpret it. I'm starting to get that empty feeling, especially since I've finished the 30 day challenge now, and because I've pretty much finished the 'Kissed By An Angel' trilogy book...anyways, the end is the start of a beginning? Is the end just...the end? I picked out a simple one for a reason...I found a pretty 'Love' written in cursive with the pencil still finishing up the heart symbol connected to it...saved that too :P
I like the simple white on black with a little bit of fancy...yeah...:P (Left it the original size and centered it (Coincidence ^^;...) too!~)
Anyways, today's the last 30!~

Note before signing off: I'm listening to this song to get into the mood for reading the end! I'm really glad I decided to get this book (Through my brother's book order~:)). This book has touched me, and made me feel different things just by reading it...I laughed, I cried (A lot...^^;...)'s one of my favourites now :) The book a strange could say, touched my heart...~<3

Edit: I just realized that I had been talking about the book since I started reading it (yesterday~). (I was reading 'Beastly' before. It wasn't as good, but I still got kind of an empty feeling, but not as much as with this book. The more I like a book, the more empty I feel when it ends. (And the more I want the book! But usually, I have the book~:P) (A good example is with 'The Gentlemen's Alliance (Cross/Shinsi Doumei Cross)'...I felt really empty when that ended :P) Anyways, this is probably the longest entry in the whole challenge...yesterday's was a close second (I think)...both entries I spent a good chunk of talking about 'Kissed By An Angel'...XD. Anyways, yeah...I'll (kind of) miss coming on to Blogspot everyday to look up what day it is, what I have to post about, then start posting (and blabbing...before this, it had been quite a while since I had been on Blogspot...didn't post that much..(?)) :P...anyways...yeah...
Edit #2 (XD): I just realized how long the edit is! XD (Making the entry longer~:P)

Thanks for reading and following the challenge (With me!),
:) O.O ^-^~ Jenn*~<3~*

Saturday, April 2, 2011


Okay, I wonder if any of you noticed this...?
But, I didn't post an entry yesterday. Even though my 30-Day Challenge is not over yet. (If I had, today would've been the last day, but I planned it so that the last day would be a Sunday :P)
Yeah...not much of a joke, but not much you can do to play a joke on your followers through your blog, can you? Well, if you can, I could've posted an entry wouldn't have worked very about if I would've been...yeah, so....I can't think of one! XD
Seems nobody really noticed April Fools this year? :P
Either that, or my school just doesn't care! (Which would surprise me, but at the same time, would feel totally normal...)
Maybe I posted this a bit late? But it wouldn't have really mattered...because it would've killed the weak joke if I posted this yesterday (?)...XD

Anyways, so...yeah...continue on with your lives, and reading, and whatnot now...yeah...alright...^^;

Note: I just realized that last year, my first post was the day after April Fool's (April 2nd) XD :P I guess this could be considered my make-up for it? Though that doesn't make sense...oh well XD Anyways, yeah :P Shame...who knows what I would've pulled last year...(?) XD

30 Day Challenge: Day 29

day 29 → something that makes you amused

OMG! Second last day!~So close to finishing, hee hee~(My very first 30 day challenge :P)
Anyways, something that makes me amused...shall I just list some? XD
*Seeing smart people do dumb and funny things :P (That's one I see a lot! XD)
*Reading manga where the characters say or do something stupid, or totally cheesy XD
*Watching anime~
*Seeing strange, but funny, pictures (I may or may not have taken XD)
*Fangirling and seeing other people fangirling (XD)
*Other stuff...:P (I'm too lazy to list it all XD)

Anyways, so...yeah...I wasn't sure what to put here, so I just put something from S*A (Special A) I found really funny XD (Even though he said it so bluntly....and she still doesn't get what or why even after...XD) I was going to put a Skip Beat or Wallflower pic, but for Skip Beat, I only had romantic, cool, dramatic scenes (~~~~~~~~~) and for The Wallflower, the funny part wasn't as obvious XD 29~

Note: The book, or more specifically, a trilogy of books all put together into one large (HUGE) book, is called 'Kissed By An Angel''s a book where, no matter how you think about it, there will be no happy ending...and I watched a trailer for the show'movie for it with a little blurb as the description on pretty much strongly hints that there will be no happy ending...:(...TT_TT...a lot of scenes made me cry, and I'm only starting the third book...anyways, yeah...(The song is from the trailer....which is, BTW, fan-made :P )
Edit: I noticed that I spent a pretty good chunk of the entry talking about the trilogy I'm reading, so might as well add that into the tags XD
Edit (Again): I'm sorry if the text on the picture is hard to read...if you click on it, it turns into a much better size, if that helps at all! ^^;...