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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Friendship: Home Run or Strike Out?

Friendship can be a lot like baseball...

Nobody can ever really explain friendship. Friendship can never be truly understood. What makes someone your friend? Why? When did you start wanting friends? While friendship can't be explained, it can perhaps a sport we all like to call...


Let's see how baseball can help explain friendship....

At Bat: Where it all begins....if you don't bat, you can never strike out or get a home run. This is all about hitting the ball and sending it as far as possible without it getting caught immediately.
Friendship: To become friends with somebody, you must first try to get to know them. If you don't ever try to get to know them, how will you become friends?

This can end in one of four ways...

Strike: If you miss the ball, it's ok. You can always try again...if you miss again, you can still try once more.
Friendship: There'll be times when things go wrong when trying to make new friends, so you can just try again.

Strike-Out: If you strike out, well...maybe it wasn't meant to be. No worries though, you may be able to go up to bat again.
Friendship: Sometimes, you'll fail completely, but it's fine. maybe it wasn't meant to be. Or maybe, you'll get a chance to try again sometime.

Hit: This means you HAVE hit the ball. This is your chance to run and try to get as close to a home run without getting out. This is also your time to hope that no one will catch the ball before it falls to the ground.(Or you'll be out.)
Friendship: Sometimes, you'll get a spark that may lead to friendship. But then again, sometimes it fails without notice, so you can only hope that won't happen.

Out: Sometimes, the ball will fly and someone will catch it before it hits the ground, which means you would be...out. No worries, perhaps you'll get another chance.
Friendship: Sometimes, right when you think you might have a new friend soon, things go wrong, and it doesn't happen. No worries, you might get a chance to make friends with them again.

If you got a hit and didn't get out....

Out: Already explained above, so...
Friendship: See "Out"(Above after "Hit")

First Base: Good job! You managed to get to first base! if you;re lucky, and no one tags you out, you'd make it to home base and get a home run!
Friendship: You have succesfully made a new friend! you may not be too close, but you can always do things to become closer. Just hope nothing will go wrong in this friendship and soon you'll have a very close new friend!

Second Base: Nice! You made it to second base, meaning only one more base before your trip to home base! Hopefully, the shortstop won't tag you out, so you can make it to home base!
Friendship: This means you're doing fairly well in making a close new friend. Remember, though, like a shortstop, there will be someone who will always stand in your way. You'll have to get past them. Hope that nothing will get in your way and you'll soon have a new person to rely on!

Third Base: YAY! You're SO close to home! Lucky you didn't get tagged out by shortstop, so now the only thing standing in your way is being called out. Let's hope you get that home run!
Friendship: Nice! Looks like you're on your way to a close new friendship! Let's hope nothing will stop you!

HOME RUN! YOU GOT IT! A home run! You tried and achieved! Good job! I'm happy for both you AND your team!
Friendship: You got through everything that could've potentially ruined your new friendship have have finally aquired....A NEW CLOSE FRIEND! Congragulations, and I see many more coming!

See? friendship can be compared closely not only with baseball, but with various other things! Well, see you during my next post! Until then....Enjoy Life And Don't Waste A Moment!


Always Deep Words: Happenings At Heart

Today's quote of the day is...

"True love will never fade unless it was all a lie. -Anonymous"

This has been an "Always Deep Words: Happenings At Heart" quote of the day. Brought to you by: "Love Quotes from Quotes 'N Sayings"

Saturday, May 22, 2010

3-Day Weekend!

So...a 3-day weekend...

...but what does it mean? Well....let me explain...

*NO HOMEWORK(Well, for some of us...)

So why not enjoy these next 2 days...AND HAVE FUN!


Poll: Bring the results to life

Another unknown(But hopefully, soon to be known)band...
So, as I said before, one of the poll results of what I should do was "Music", so, here's another band!



Alice Nine.: (I'll just do a short intro for this band...if I wrote a little something here, I'll just be repeating myself when I post some quick facts.)

Japanese Name: (I mean, this band IS Japanese, so...)アリス九號.

Genre(s): (Mainly) (J-)Rock

Members: Shou(将)(Kohara Kazumasa)-Vocals
Hiroto(ヒロト)(Ogata Hiroto)-Guitar
Tora(虎)(Amano Shinji)-Guitar
Saga (沙我)(Sakamoto Takashi)-Bass Guitar, Backing/Back-Up vocals, keyboard(Yay for multi-taskers!)
Nao(Couldn't find the kanji(I think that's what it's called) for this one)(Murai Naoyuki)-Drums

Some Of Their Songs And Albums: Zekkeishoku (絶景色; Vivid Scenery of Colors)
Alice Nine Complete Collection(2006-2009) (Of course this is an album...)
Number Six

So, that's it for today's music intro! Whether you like this (J-)Rock band or not, you at least now know who they are! See you!


Quote Of The Day No?

No quote of the day today because...

Sometimes, people need to think up of their own. Their own words, their own meaning. Something that means much more than a daily quote. Sometimes, we need to step away form the direction and go our own way for a bit, right?


3-Day Weekend!

3 day weekend! YES!

So, it's a three day weekend...which means...SOMETHING TO CELEBRATE! Of course, I'm not going to do all the "Yay! I'm going to do a lot of planned out special posts! WOOT!", this time it's going to be more: "Ok...I guess I'll just post random posts to celebrate!" So...enjoy whatever! ^-^


Sunday, May 16, 2010

So... that Mother's Day is over...

I guess this means it'll be a while before I post again. (You'll have to wait until I do something interesting, something interesting happens, and/or when I have time. I'm a very busy person you know...) So...until then...enjoy life!

-Jenn <3

Always Deep Words: Happenings At Heart

Today's quote of the day is...

"Human life is the only thing that takes care of itself. -Napoleon Bonaparte"

This has been an "Always Deep Words: Happenings At Heart" quote of the day, brought to you by: "Life Quotes from Quotes N' Sayings"

Sunday, May 9, 2010


Mother's Day Finale... a big Mother's Day thank-you...A SPECIAL FINALE!

Lyrics from a songs called: A Mother's Love (Unknown artist)

There are time when only a mother's love
Can understand our tears,
Can soothe our disappoints
And calm all of our fears.
There are times when only a Mother's love
Can share the joy we feel
When something we've dreamed about
Quite suddenly is real.

There are times when only a Mother's faith
Can help us on life's way
And inspire in us the confidence
We need from day to day.

For a Mother's heart and a Mother's faith
And a Mother's steadfast love
Were fashioned by the Angels
And sent from God above..., I've specifically looked up a special Mother's Day FIREWORKS FINALE! (Of course, I can't really release one right'll have to settle for a picture)


Thank your mother every day for the things she does now that'll effect you later...even if you don't know it yet.

Always Deep Words: Happenings At Heart

One of today's special features...start off today with: Quote Of The Day: Mother's Day edition....TIMES THREE

#1: "Sometimes the strength of motherhood is greater than natural laws. -Barbara Kingsolver"
#2: "When you are a mother, you are never really alone in your thoughts. A mother always has to think twice, once for herself, and once for her child. -Sophia Loren"
#3: "My mom is a neverending song in my heart of comfort, happiness, and being. I may sometimes forget the words but I always remember the tune. -Graycie Harmon."

This has been an "Always Deep Words: Happenings At Heart" quote of the day, Mother's day edition. Brought to you by: "Mother's Day Quotes from Quotes 'N Sayings".

Why listen to what scripwriters make their stars say, when you can listen to the words from an unscripted heart of a mother.

Mother's Day Special

May 9,2010...also known as...MOTHER'S DAY...

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY! As usual, I do things to celebrate these special days, so things to look for today? Well....(And all changes will be up for about a week, in case you read this a little late.)

~*~New theme for the week
~*~Mother's Day Special Poll
~*~Quotes....x3! (All special Mother's Day quotes, of course....
~*~Mother's Day related posts(Of course)and special Mother's Day sayings, tips, adn just plain things I'm saying


Mother's Day...the one day in the year specially created for that one amazing woman who brought you into this world...

Friday, May 7, 2010

Always Deep Words: Happenings At Heart

Today's quote of the day...

"Leadership is based on inspiration, not domination;on cooperation, not intimidation. -William Arthur Ward"

This has been an "Always Deep Words: Happenings At Heart" quote of the day. Brought to you by: "Leadership Quotes from Quotes N' Sayings".

Mini Enrichment Week

So, I spent this whole week at Ottawa U...


I'll just give a quick run through of my week.....

Monday: Walked into "Your Body and the Law", had lunch at 12:00pm....didn't realize I was in the WRONG CLASS until 1:20PM! (It was still fun though, both teachers were awesome.)
Tuesday: Went to the RIGHT class this time(Yay!), and went to the courthouse to watch 6 interesting cases and 11 quite boring cases at the youth court.
Wednesday: Courthouse again. At least this case was fairly interesting. Went up the glass elevator and took pictures form the 6th floor. (Yikes!) Debated....something...after that. (:P....)
Thursday: Courthouse...again. This case was interesting, though it kept going in circles at the beginning...and realized after going up and down on the elvator a couple(hundred)times, that there was a security camera there.(O.O)Went to Rideau Mall. (Yay!)
Friday: More courthouse, watched our second movie. (Our first was "My Sister's keeper"), 12 Angry Men.....and that was the last day.

I'm sorry I make it sound boring, but I'm kind of in a hurry....(Opps!)
If you get the chance, you should totally try it out! (And bonus: you miss a week of school! But you might still have homework....which I still ahve to finish...^^;)

Anyways, bye!