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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Friendship: Home Run or Strike Out?

Friendship can be a lot like baseball...

Nobody can ever really explain friendship. Friendship can never be truly understood. What makes someone your friend? Why? When did you start wanting friends? While friendship can't be explained, it can perhaps a sport we all like to call...


Let's see how baseball can help explain friendship....

At Bat: Where it all begins....if you don't bat, you can never strike out or get a home run. This is all about hitting the ball and sending it as far as possible without it getting caught immediately.
Friendship: To become friends with somebody, you must first try to get to know them. If you don't ever try to get to know them, how will you become friends?

This can end in one of four ways...

Strike: If you miss the ball, it's ok. You can always try again...if you miss again, you can still try once more.
Friendship: There'll be times when things go wrong when trying to make new friends, so you can just try again.

Strike-Out: If you strike out, well...maybe it wasn't meant to be. No worries though, you may be able to go up to bat again.
Friendship: Sometimes, you'll fail completely, but it's fine. maybe it wasn't meant to be. Or maybe, you'll get a chance to try again sometime.

Hit: This means you HAVE hit the ball. This is your chance to run and try to get as close to a home run without getting out. This is also your time to hope that no one will catch the ball before it falls to the ground.(Or you'll be out.)
Friendship: Sometimes, you'll get a spark that may lead to friendship. But then again, sometimes it fails without notice, so you can only hope that won't happen.

Out: Sometimes, the ball will fly and someone will catch it before it hits the ground, which means you would be...out. No worries, perhaps you'll get another chance.
Friendship: Sometimes, right when you think you might have a new friend soon, things go wrong, and it doesn't happen. No worries, you might get a chance to make friends with them again.

If you got a hit and didn't get out....

Out: Already explained above, so...
Friendship: See "Out"(Above after "Hit")

First Base: Good job! You managed to get to first base! if you;re lucky, and no one tags you out, you'd make it to home base and get a home run!
Friendship: You have succesfully made a new friend! you may not be too close, but you can always do things to become closer. Just hope nothing will go wrong in this friendship and soon you'll have a very close new friend!

Second Base: Nice! You made it to second base, meaning only one more base before your trip to home base! Hopefully, the shortstop won't tag you out, so you can make it to home base!
Friendship: This means you're doing fairly well in making a close new friend. Remember, though, like a shortstop, there will be someone who will always stand in your way. You'll have to get past them. Hope that nothing will get in your way and you'll soon have a new person to rely on!

Third Base: YAY! You're SO close to home! Lucky you didn't get tagged out by shortstop, so now the only thing standing in your way is being called out. Let's hope you get that home run!
Friendship: Nice! Looks like you're on your way to a close new friendship! Let's hope nothing will stop you!

HOME RUN! YOU GOT IT! A home run! You tried and achieved! Good job! I'm happy for both you AND your team!
Friendship: You got through everything that could've potentially ruined your new friendship have have finally aquired....A NEW CLOSE FRIEND! Congragulations, and I see many more coming!

See? friendship can be compared closely not only with baseball, but with various other things! Well, see you during my next post! Until then....Enjoy Life And Don't Waste A Moment!


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