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Friday, May 7, 2010

Mini Enrichment Week

So, I spent this whole week at Ottawa U...


I'll just give a quick run through of my week.....

Monday: Walked into "Your Body and the Law", had lunch at 12:00pm....didn't realize I was in the WRONG CLASS until 1:20PM! (It was still fun though, both teachers were awesome.)
Tuesday: Went to the RIGHT class this time(Yay!), and went to the courthouse to watch 6 interesting cases and 11 quite boring cases at the youth court.
Wednesday: Courthouse again. At least this case was fairly interesting. Went up the glass elevator and took pictures form the 6th floor. (Yikes!) Debated....something...after that. (:P....)
Thursday: Courthouse...again. This case was interesting, though it kept going in circles at the beginning...and realized after going up and down on the elvator a couple(hundred)times, that there was a security camera there.(O.O)Went to Rideau Mall. (Yay!)
Friday: More courthouse, watched our second movie. (Our first was "My Sister's keeper"), 12 Angry Men.....and that was the last day.

I'm sorry I make it sound boring, but I'm kind of in a hurry....(Opps!)
If you get the chance, you should totally try it out! (And bonus: you miss a week of school! But you might still have homework....which I still ahve to finish...^^;)

Anyways, bye!

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