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Thursday, August 26, 2010

What I've been up to...

Above: A pic from one of my favourite Alice Nine songs! RAINBOWS!

Ok, the next few posts are going to include pics and stuff from my computer! Just random stuff...for fun....just so you can see what's been up lately! I would've included pics of some other stuff, but this image posting thing won't let me post anything unless it's mine...well, most of anything, at least...Oh, case you didn't notice:

I have changed a few things around...look for:
*I've moved my Blog Archive(It didn't fit where it was before...)
*I've changed my "About Me!" (It's under the "Followers")
*I've added a few new links...^-^ (See beside my "About Me!")

Look for more changes coming soon! (I hope...^-^)

And about the Quote Of The Days I used to do before...I can't do it every time I put up a new post anymore....the website where I pick quote from glitches sometimes...-__-" I apologize to those who really liked those! I'll hope to put up a few more soon when it works!

I'm stuck...


So, I've been thinking of some of the stuff I want to post in the a special post! You'll see what it is soon ;) Anyways, so, I'm putting up a poll(Look to your right! Top of the page...)for you guys to vote on! I'll add a few general options(Or there'd be too much...) Any specifics will have to be either through request(Comments, whatever...)or my decision...^-^ Anyways, enjoy the future posts! And look forward for the special posts coming soon! ^-^ (If you're wondering what this picture is, see the comment...I don't know why I put it up....random urge?)


Above is the chibi of The GazettE I drew! Read more to see the details of this...ha ha...~~~

GET READY FOR A LONG POST! ^-^ (It was longer than I thought it would be...^^;

Opps...well, it looks like I haven't posted in a while.....guess it slipped my mind, ha ha...^^; Anyways, some stuff I've been up to:
*Reading manga LIKE CRAZY (Want to re-read my FAVOURITE series before school starts, and one of my manga reading sites were shut down, so I was trying to finish as much of these 3 series I was reading as possible, ha ha...)
*Watching Asian dramas LIKE CRAZY (listening to one of the drama ones..."Both Hands-Loveholic" XD) (Just finished 2, and I have another one to watch already, ha ha...)
*Downloading music and pictures (My new computer had NO pictures or music on it, so I downloaded a lot....I only have like, 30 songs, but I'm waiting to buy disks and a new monitor so I can save my pics and music from my old computer and put them on my new computer!) Most of the music I've downloaded has been from Asian dramas (The 3 or 4 I've finished this summer...)and most of the pictures I have are of my 3 favourite J-Rock bands...also, I finally got my camera phone to upload(My 2nd try on this computer, like, 5th try in total...) So, yay! (I put up and tagged some funny and wierd photos on Facebook....I can't believe some of the comments I got...)
*Hanging out with some friends (I never got the chance to hang out with some of my friends from school, but I hung out with two of my close friends, because our moms knew each other and always went to the mall together ^-^ yay!)
*Going to new/fun places and doing new be more specific:
*Niagara Falls
*Marineland(In Niagara Falls) I went on a smaller roller coaster there...and some other rides...(I don't go on the big ones because I have a fear of heights and motion sickness...^^;...not a good combo for going on roller coasters...ha ha...) I took some beautiful pictures there too! My brother went on the Skyscreamer and this HUGE coaster there too! I heard the screams of the Skyscreamer from the bottom of the mountain...^^;
*Attempted to teach my cousins English (That was a lot harder than I thought it would be...both were kind of reluctant and not very willing...)
*Went to this street of shops and stuff and went into a bunch of different new stores! (I LOVED this shop full f clothes that these people designed themselves...IT WAS AWESOME!)
*Drew a chibi of The GazettE (J-Rock band) for my friend (Based on a drawing this person did....thank you awesome person for making my job drawing the chibi easer!)

I also did some of my usual too...
*Slept :P
*Drew(Drawing) comic(s)
*Spent money

I bought a lot of new stuff for school too! Even a new backpack! (Messenger bag, that is...) I'm kind fo excited for school, but still wished that summer lasted longer...I'll post up some pics that I downloaded or something sometime! But for now, I gotta go...not only is it my brother's turn (Sorry! The post was longer than I thought...^^; ) but I'm hungry too....see you soon! ^-^

Thursday, July 29, 2010



This much of summer has already passed, huh? (I can already hear the "Don't remind me!"s) It's surprising how fast summer passes, whether you're bored, having fun, or just plain busy. (I think I'm either a combination of two, or a combination of all three.) Anyways, my advice? enjoy the rest of summer! (I mean, if it's going to pass quickly anyways, what's the point of being bored all day?) Hang out with friends, buy new stuff, read that book you've been meaning to finish, do something! If you've been really busy all summer though, once you get a chance, you should relax. Summer is about having fun, but it's about relaxing too! (Being bored shouldn't be an option, but it usually happens...I've been bored for almost the past month now...) Sleep in, sleep late, do stuff you could never do on school days! Enjoy summer, because(Although many people don't want this to happen)before you know, it'll be back to school and back to those busy scheduled days once again. Whether you're at a new school, going to the same school, or just starting school, you should relax this summer and enjoy the summer before the busy days of school arrive (once again).

Always Deep Words: Happenings At Heart

Today's quote of the day is...

"You are what you are and you are where you are because of what has gone into your mind. You change what you are and you change where you are by changing what goes into your mind. -Zig Ziglar"

This has been an "Always Deep Words: Happenings At heart" quote of the day. Brought to you by: "Motivational Sayings From Quotes N' Sayings"

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Always Deep Words: Happenings At Heart

Today's quote of the day is...

"In every conceivable manner, the family is link to our past, bridge to our future. -Alex Haley"

This has been an "Always Deep Words: Happenings At Heart" quote of the day. Brought to you by: "Family Quotes from Quotes N' Sayings"

Back from VACATION!

During my vacation, I realized many how things that look ok on the outside, might be crumbling on the inside...but what I realize after coming back is that deadlines rush to you a lot faster than you expect...but what struck me the most was how many things can jolt your energy and make you surprised. Don't believe me? Well...

I arrived back home yesterday night, tired, and sad that my vacation was over already. Our house was stuffy and hot(It was 35 degrees inside!)and everyone's energy was drained. I didn't sleep until about 2 in the morning...(Thank you slow air conditioning...)and when I woke up, it was already WAY past 1:00pm! (I usually wake up at about 8:00am.) I was still tired, so I just went on my e-mail to see what I missed, and what I got was the most surprising reply I had ever gotten this whole time since summer started. Let me back up see, I had sent out these e-mails to some of my friends as a thank-you to them for being such great people, and I had sent them the day before I left, and what I got back made me grateful and happy I had put in my time because the replies I got back...especially from one person, surprised me...and after a while...made me happy...

The little things that you do can sometimes come out with the most surprising results...that will make you happy...

Monday, June 28, 2010

Summer Blog

So, in order to celebrate summer, I will:
*Change my blog background for a more summery feel
*Try to create more summer related posts
*Put up summer related polls, pics, etc.
*Go on vacation
*Read a book
*Hang out with some friends

Anyways, I got to get going! Need to get some breakfast....see you and have a great summer!

Summer Fun Begins!

So...let's see what you could do over the summer...
*Visit Japan
*Try to make a solar powered game system
*Try to find the lost treasures of the world
*Learn to speak Italian
*Build a time machine out of cardboard and new undiscovered minerals
*Set a world record for the longest piece of bubblegum


*Read a good book
*Go on a family vacation
*See a movie with your friends
*Surf the web all day
*Go to the mall

And the list goes on! So why not enjoy summer! It'll be over before you know it, so try to make the most of it!

Summer! there are three side to this holiday...

"Aww...I miss my friends soooo much! I can't believe school is over already!"
"Yay! No more homework or teachers! Just summer fun!"
"Summer's great, and no homework is definitely good, but I do kind of miss my friends from school..."

But no matter how you feel about this holiday, celebrate a bit! (Or a least relax a little...) See it as a break from school drama. (For those who actually HAVE drama to deal with...) And a chance to relax!

Always Deep Words: Happenings At Heart

Today's quote of the day is...

"Deep summer is when laziness finds respectability. -Sam Keen"

This has been an "Always Deep Words: Happenings At Heart" quote of the day. Brought to you by: "Summer Quotes From Quote Garden"

Friday, June 25, 2010

Make A Wish!

I just happened to notice that it was 11:11PM!!! Make a wish! (If you believe in this type of thing...if you don't, you can just move on to the next post...)

Always Deep Words: Happenings At Heart

Today's Quote of the Day is...

"There are no good-byes, where ever you'll be in my heart. -Ghandi"

This ha sbeen an "Always Deep Words: Happenings At Heart" quote of the day. Brought to you by: "Good-Bye Sayings from Quotes N' Sayings

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Always Deep Words: Happenings At Heart

Today's quote of the day is...

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams -Eleanor Roosevelt"

This has been an "Always Deep Words: Happenings At Heart" quote of the day. Brought to you by: "Graduation Quotes From Quotes N' Sayings"

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Always Deep Words: Happenings At Heart

Today's quote of the day is...

"Infinity is a floorless room without walls or ceiling. -Anonymous"

This has been an "Always Deep Words: Happenings At Heart" quote of the day. Brought to you by: "Mathematics Quotes from Quotes N' Sayings"

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Birthdays: My mini-guide to a GREAT birthday(Or at least a decent one...)

My mini-guide to a great, or at least decent, birthday!

I feel that there are certain components needed to be happy on your birthday...

#1: Create A Happy Atmosphere: Well, you're not going to be happy if everyone around you is depressed, sad, or irritated, are you? So at least TRY to create an atmosphere that's, well...positive! It's simple, actually. Just, nice and happy! Eventually, everyone else will be too!
#2: Say "Thank-You": Well, if you're going to recieve a gift or a "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" or something, at least thank them. Or smile. Let them know that what they're doing is appreciated. I mean, everyone loves gifts. (Well, most people...) And you should be happy people remembered your birthday! So appreciate it! ^-^
#3: Don't go over the top: Most people love birthdays, of course, but that doesn't mean you can act snobby or bossy! Happy is one thing, but ordering people around and being snobby is another. You shouldn't be the only happy one on your birthday. I'd rather not repeat myself, so just see #1...

See? That wasn't so hard, was it? It's not like, some loooong report consisting of 1,000,000,001 "rules"! So, Happy Birthday to all those to come! ^-^

Always Deep Words: Happenings At Heart


Today's my birthday! (So happy! ^-^)

So let's see what quote today's quote is...

"Your birthday is a special time to celebrate the gift of you to the world. -Anonymous"

This has been an "Always Deep Words: happenings At Heart: quote of the day!(Birthday edition!) Brought to you by: "Birthday Sayings&Quotes from Quotes N' Sayings"

So...the next post for today, will be a special birthday post! ^-^

Oh, and, as usual, I'll be changing the theme and adding a poll, as I have for the past occasions. ^-^ They will be up for about a week or so. We'll see! ;)

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Friendship: Home Run or Strike Out?

Friendship can be a lot like baseball...

Nobody can ever really explain friendship. Friendship can never be truly understood. What makes someone your friend? Why? When did you start wanting friends? While friendship can't be explained, it can perhaps a sport we all like to call...


Let's see how baseball can help explain friendship....

At Bat: Where it all begins....if you don't bat, you can never strike out or get a home run. This is all about hitting the ball and sending it as far as possible without it getting caught immediately.
Friendship: To become friends with somebody, you must first try to get to know them. If you don't ever try to get to know them, how will you become friends?

This can end in one of four ways...

Strike: If you miss the ball, it's ok. You can always try again...if you miss again, you can still try once more.
Friendship: There'll be times when things go wrong when trying to make new friends, so you can just try again.

Strike-Out: If you strike out, well...maybe it wasn't meant to be. No worries though, you may be able to go up to bat again.
Friendship: Sometimes, you'll fail completely, but it's fine. maybe it wasn't meant to be. Or maybe, you'll get a chance to try again sometime.

Hit: This means you HAVE hit the ball. This is your chance to run and try to get as close to a home run without getting out. This is also your time to hope that no one will catch the ball before it falls to the ground.(Or you'll be out.)
Friendship: Sometimes, you'll get a spark that may lead to friendship. But then again, sometimes it fails without notice, so you can only hope that won't happen.

Out: Sometimes, the ball will fly and someone will catch it before it hits the ground, which means you would be...out. No worries, perhaps you'll get another chance.
Friendship: Sometimes, right when you think you might have a new friend soon, things go wrong, and it doesn't happen. No worries, you might get a chance to make friends with them again.

If you got a hit and didn't get out....

Out: Already explained above, so...
Friendship: See "Out"(Above after "Hit")

First Base: Good job! You managed to get to first base! if you;re lucky, and no one tags you out, you'd make it to home base and get a home run!
Friendship: You have succesfully made a new friend! you may not be too close, but you can always do things to become closer. Just hope nothing will go wrong in this friendship and soon you'll have a very close new friend!

Second Base: Nice! You made it to second base, meaning only one more base before your trip to home base! Hopefully, the shortstop won't tag you out, so you can make it to home base!
Friendship: This means you're doing fairly well in making a close new friend. Remember, though, like a shortstop, there will be someone who will always stand in your way. You'll have to get past them. Hope that nothing will get in your way and you'll soon have a new person to rely on!

Third Base: YAY! You're SO close to home! Lucky you didn't get tagged out by shortstop, so now the only thing standing in your way is being called out. Let's hope you get that home run!
Friendship: Nice! Looks like you're on your way to a close new friendship! Let's hope nothing will stop you!

HOME RUN! YOU GOT IT! A home run! You tried and achieved! Good job! I'm happy for both you AND your team!
Friendship: You got through everything that could've potentially ruined your new friendship have have finally aquired....A NEW CLOSE FRIEND! Congragulations, and I see many more coming!

See? friendship can be compared closely not only with baseball, but with various other things! Well, see you during my next post! Until then....Enjoy Life And Don't Waste A Moment!


Always Deep Words: Happenings At Heart

Today's quote of the day is...

"True love will never fade unless it was all a lie. -Anonymous"

This has been an "Always Deep Words: Happenings At Heart" quote of the day. Brought to you by: "Love Quotes from Quotes 'N Sayings"

Saturday, May 22, 2010

3-Day Weekend!

So...a 3-day weekend...

...but what does it mean? Well....let me explain...

*NO HOMEWORK(Well, for some of us...)

So why not enjoy these next 2 days...AND HAVE FUN!


Poll: Bring the results to life

Another unknown(But hopefully, soon to be known)band...
So, as I said before, one of the poll results of what I should do was "Music", so, here's another band!



Alice Nine.: (I'll just do a short intro for this band...if I wrote a little something here, I'll just be repeating myself when I post some quick facts.)

Japanese Name: (I mean, this band IS Japanese, so...)アリス九號.

Genre(s): (Mainly) (J-)Rock

Members: Shou(将)(Kohara Kazumasa)-Vocals
Hiroto(ヒロト)(Ogata Hiroto)-Guitar
Tora(虎)(Amano Shinji)-Guitar
Saga (沙我)(Sakamoto Takashi)-Bass Guitar, Backing/Back-Up vocals, keyboard(Yay for multi-taskers!)
Nao(Couldn't find the kanji(I think that's what it's called) for this one)(Murai Naoyuki)-Drums

Some Of Their Songs And Albums: Zekkeishoku (絶景色; Vivid Scenery of Colors)
Alice Nine Complete Collection(2006-2009) (Of course this is an album...)
Number Six

So, that's it for today's music intro! Whether you like this (J-)Rock band or not, you at least now know who they are! See you!


Quote Of The Day No?

No quote of the day today because...

Sometimes, people need to think up of their own. Their own words, their own meaning. Something that means much more than a daily quote. Sometimes, we need to step away form the direction and go our own way for a bit, right?


3-Day Weekend!

3 day weekend! YES!

So, it's a three day weekend...which means...SOMETHING TO CELEBRATE! Of course, I'm not going to do all the "Yay! I'm going to do a lot of planned out special posts! WOOT!", this time it's going to be more: "Ok...I guess I'll just post random posts to celebrate!" So...enjoy whatever! ^-^


Sunday, May 16, 2010

So... that Mother's Day is over...

I guess this means it'll be a while before I post again. (You'll have to wait until I do something interesting, something interesting happens, and/or when I have time. I'm a very busy person you know...) So...until then...enjoy life!

-Jenn <3

Always Deep Words: Happenings At Heart

Today's quote of the day is...

"Human life is the only thing that takes care of itself. -Napoleon Bonaparte"

This has been an "Always Deep Words: Happenings At Heart" quote of the day, brought to you by: "Life Quotes from Quotes N' Sayings"

Sunday, May 9, 2010


Mother's Day Finale... a big Mother's Day thank-you...A SPECIAL FINALE!

Lyrics from a songs called: A Mother's Love (Unknown artist)

There are time when only a mother's love
Can understand our tears,
Can soothe our disappoints
And calm all of our fears.
There are times when only a Mother's love
Can share the joy we feel
When something we've dreamed about
Quite suddenly is real.

There are times when only a Mother's faith
Can help us on life's way
And inspire in us the confidence
We need from day to day.

For a Mother's heart and a Mother's faith
And a Mother's steadfast love
Were fashioned by the Angels
And sent from God above..., I've specifically looked up a special Mother's Day FIREWORKS FINALE! (Of course, I can't really release one right'll have to settle for a picture)


Thank your mother every day for the things she does now that'll effect you later...even if you don't know it yet.

Always Deep Words: Happenings At Heart

One of today's special features...start off today with: Quote Of The Day: Mother's Day edition....TIMES THREE

#1: "Sometimes the strength of motherhood is greater than natural laws. -Barbara Kingsolver"
#2: "When you are a mother, you are never really alone in your thoughts. A mother always has to think twice, once for herself, and once for her child. -Sophia Loren"
#3: "My mom is a neverending song in my heart of comfort, happiness, and being. I may sometimes forget the words but I always remember the tune. -Graycie Harmon."

This has been an "Always Deep Words: Happenings At Heart" quote of the day, Mother's day edition. Brought to you by: "Mother's Day Quotes from Quotes 'N Sayings".

Why listen to what scripwriters make their stars say, when you can listen to the words from an unscripted heart of a mother.

Mother's Day Special

May 9,2010...also known as...MOTHER'S DAY...

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY! As usual, I do things to celebrate these special days, so things to look for today? Well....(And all changes will be up for about a week, in case you read this a little late.)

~*~New theme for the week
~*~Mother's Day Special Poll
~*~Quotes....x3! (All special Mother's Day quotes, of course....
~*~Mother's Day related posts(Of course)and special Mother's Day sayings, tips, adn just plain things I'm saying


Mother's Day...the one day in the year specially created for that one amazing woman who brought you into this world...

Friday, May 7, 2010

Always Deep Words: Happenings At Heart

Today's quote of the day...

"Leadership is based on inspiration, not domination;on cooperation, not intimidation. -William Arthur Ward"

This has been an "Always Deep Words: Happenings At Heart" quote of the day. Brought to you by: "Leadership Quotes from Quotes N' Sayings".

Mini Enrichment Week

So, I spent this whole week at Ottawa U...


I'll just give a quick run through of my week.....

Monday: Walked into "Your Body and the Law", had lunch at 12:00pm....didn't realize I was in the WRONG CLASS until 1:20PM! (It was still fun though, both teachers were awesome.)
Tuesday: Went to the RIGHT class this time(Yay!), and went to the courthouse to watch 6 interesting cases and 11 quite boring cases at the youth court.
Wednesday: Courthouse again. At least this case was fairly interesting. Went up the glass elevator and took pictures form the 6th floor. (Yikes!) Debated....something...after that. (:P....)
Thursday: Courthouse...again. This case was interesting, though it kept going in circles at the beginning...and realized after going up and down on the elvator a couple(hundred)times, that there was a security camera there.(O.O)Went to Rideau Mall. (Yay!)
Friday: More courthouse, watched our second movie. (Our first was "My Sister's keeper"), 12 Angry Men.....and that was the last day.

I'm sorry I make it sound boring, but I'm kind of in a hurry....(Opps!)
If you get the chance, you should totally try it out! (And bonus: you miss a week of school! But you might still have homework....which I still ahve to finish...^^;)

Anyways, bye!

Friday, April 30, 2010

Poll: Bring the results to life

Music edition....

On the poll, it was voted that I shoudl add more music related posts, it is...



This is a Japanese rock band, or, for more hard core fans, a J-Rock band. Here's a little intro to get you in the loop:

Band: An Cafe, also known as "Antic Cafe". (アンティック-珈琲店-)
Genre: (J-)Rock
Members: Miku(みく): Vocals(2003-2010)
Takuya(タクヤ): Guitar(2007-2010)
Kanon(カノン): Bass(2003-2010)
Yu-Ki(ゆうき, Yūki): Keyboard(2007-2010)
Teruki(輝喜): Drums(2003-2010)

Bou(Former Member)(坊): Guitar(2003-2007)

Some songs by them:
*Orange Dream
*Snow Scene
Some of their albums:
*Magnya Carta
*Gokutama Rock Cafe
*AN CAFE BEST ALBUM(Of course....)
Currently: "Suspending Activities" (Taking a break)...T_T

That's it for this "Poll: Bring The Results To Life" entry. Let's hope An Cafe doesn't break up for good!

Always Deep Words: Happenings At Heart

Today's (Usual) quote of the day...

Today's quote of the day...

"Logics will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere. -Albert Einstein."

This has been an "Always Deep Words: Happenings at Heart" quote of the day. Brought to you by: "Imagination Quotes from Quotes N' Sayings." (As usual)

Back to normal...

Now that everyhting...(The layout, poll, etc.) Is back to normal....
(For now, at least.) Let's return to normal blog happenings and posts. As usual. Oh, and just saying, I'm thinking of changing the theme...what do you guys think? Well....see you in a bit!

Thursday, April 22, 2010


So...that's it for the Earth Day posts...

So, why not celebrate today...EVERYDAY? It doesn't have to be Earth Day for you to pick up trash, or hug a tree, or save can be every day!


Earth Day Suggestion #5: Final suggestion...Show your love for this planet in any way you can...everday. It's the least you can do for OUR HOME.



You know...Earth Day doesn't need to be ALL hard work...

How about having some fun while raising awareness? Here are some ideas to help you get started...

*Turn out the lights and using only a flashlight(One of those crank ones would be really good for this), play hide and seek!
*For all you competitive people out there, have a trash pick-up race! Wear plastic golves and use garbage bags to see who can pick up the most trash in a certain area in a certain amount of time!
*Spend the day outside hanging out with friends! Turn out the lights before you leave, and you'll save energy while doing this! (Talking face to face is always better than chatting through MSN!)

Now that you have three to get you started, come up with some of your own! Have fun and be green!

Earth Day Suggestion #4: Stop and look outside for a minute or two. Look at all the plants and animals and the serene and beautiful environment. Now think about what would happen if every one of those were gone. It'd feel pretty bad, right?



Who's supporting Earth Day out there...

I'm sure you know this, but many companies are supporting and promoting Earth Day! Some examples?

*Webkinz: Having a virtual trash clean up in their park
*Club Penguin: Going green! (Literally!)
*Google: Chaning its logo and linking to Earth Day related stuff

And come on, the first two sites were mostly for kids. If they can do this, I'm sure we can! Not enough? Well...
*Schools are having clean-ups(Along with the city!)
*People all over are raising awareness for the planet!

Still not enough? about you think of it this way...

How about if people were littering in YOUR home. In YOUR school. And DESTROYING YOUR STUFF. I wouldn't be very happy either. Well, that's what we're doing to those poor animals. So stop and think for a bit.

Earth Day Suggestion #3: Stop and reconsider that trash you're about to throw out. Can it be recycled? How about that blank paper you're about to waste to tell your friend about your new stuff? Is it really worth wasting?


Always Deep Words: Happenings At Heart



1..."We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children. -Native American Proverb"
2..."Never does nature say one thing and wisdom another. -Juvenal, Satires"
3..."For 200 years, we've been conquering Nature. Now we're beating it to death. -Tom McMillan(Quoted in Francesca Lyman, The Greenhouse Trap, 1990)"


Earth Day Suggestion #2: Show a tree your love!

This has been an "Always Deep Words: Happenings At Heart" quote of the day. Brought to you by: "Earth Day quotes from Quote Garden."


Earth day has come...

So, let's go over the schedule again....

*Changed template to a green one!
*Picked up some trash outside my house!
*Hugged the tallest tree in my neighborhood(Without travelling to the mini forest...)
*Am going to do Earth Day related posts
*Changed my font colours to green!
*Voted on that Earth day poll!
*Finding Earth Day quotes!
*Planning to turn off lights for 1hr 30mins
*Having "Earth Day Suggestion" on my posts for today. (I promise, they won't be terribly hard to do."

And no worries if you missed today. The layout and everythign will be the same for a while!

Earth Day Suggestion #1: Pick up some trash! (Trust me, picking up a chip bag and throwing it in the garbage isn't terribly hard.)


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Upcoming Events....

Now, let's check out our calendar....

Looks like a special day is coming up! What day? Well, just in case you didn't know....


For tomorrow, we should all try to do something to help out or promote going/being green! Tomorrow....this is what I'm going to try to do:

*Change the font colours to different shades of green!
*Change the background to a green or earth related background!
*Reuse, Reduce, Recycle! (MORE than usual!)

I have up a new poll! You can vote for more than one thing, so why don't you vote? HAVE A GREAT DAY AND A GREEN ONE TOMORROW!

Always Deep Words: Happenings At Heart

Today's quote of the day...

TIMES THREE! (To make up for the lack of blogging I've done lately.....

#1..."The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. -Eleanor Roosevelt"

#2..."Health is like money. We never have a true idea of its value until we lose it. -Josh Billings"

#3..."Like ornaments, thoughts of special people brighten the season and warm our hearts. -Anonymous"

This has been an "Always Deep Words: Happenings At Heart" quote of the day. (TIMES THREE!) Brought to you by: "Graduation, Health, and Holiday quotes from Quotes N' Sayings"

HELLO! ^-^

Sorry I haven't been on lately....

But I've been busy with something....Anyways, so, the results of the poll...

You guys said...

I should add more:


Well, that's not overly complicated, so why not! Look forward to more music and more other. (Things other than my usual quick updates and quotes of the day.)


Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Day After...

The day after other words, today...

The one week anniversary has passed, and I am looking forward to all the future anniversaries to come. I plan on doing different things to add a twist that makes each anniversary special. The next anniversary? perhaps one month. perhaps 3. perhaps 6. perhaps 12. I guess we'll have to wait and see, but until then...

Please continue to support this blog. It's not a terribly complicated concept. All that needs to be done is read. Anyways, thank you for before, thank you for now, and thank you for the future.


Always Deep Words: Happenings At Heart

Today's quote of the day...

"In each family, a story is playing itself out, and each family's story embodies its hope and despair. -Auguste Napier"

This has been an "Always Deep Words: Happenings At Heart" quote of the day. Brought to you by: "Family Quotes from Quotes N' Sayings."

Friday, April 9, 2010


Now that it's the end of this special day...



Now...what's an ending without a theme to remember it by? I've decide on this song to end of this special day that I have been celebrating today...

"愛不疚"(I think that is the Chinese Title...Love With No Regrets-Raymond Lam)(translated lyrics. This song is in Cantonese.)(One of my favourite songs. Yes I am an Asian music fanatic)

"Let go~let go of everything~Both will have greater freedom~Let go~In fact it's not enough because I do not love enough~Let go~Let go of everything without reserve~You will still have a good friend~It's already~Already enough

This is such a sad and sweet song.



Now, this is almost the end....

Now...there's something that I worked on 2 years ago...I worked on it with my heart, and then...the site I made it on updated and changed, and I lost my account. T_T...But, it still exists, even though the main site pretty much sucks now. I made a new one a couple months ago, and I'm debating whether I care enough for it to work on it and update it even though everytime I add a picture or vid or something it logs me out and it's slow and constantly freezes and does random things and the tools bar sometimes freezes up or won't show...but...

What I had worked on? Were sites. here are the links, if you want to see what I did...My oldest one is either Christmas or Summer theme...or was it the other one. Anyways....
(Special Note: Why I picked this name? Because....
Girls: This site was more targeted towards girls(Although I do believe there was one page made in honour of my brother including things that were more...not girly....)
Pink: In honour of my best friend from then. (This was her favourite colour) During the time I was creating the site name, I was in a little bit of trouble and my best friend had been there and was still there for me the whole time.
Hope: As mentioned above, I was in a little bit of trouble at the time, so the only thing I could really do was HOPE.
Lilly: My favourite flower from then. (It still is, but it's tied with 1 or 2 now.)

My other site: (The newer one)

Okay! Enjoy! Thanks for sticking with me for this anniversary day! I'll see to if or if not I should continue working and building up these sites. You can give me your opinion, if you'd negative comments. Those are never appreciated...



To celebrate today, I'm going to give honourable mention to some of my favourite Roflrazzis and MLIAs...

Well, describing pictures are never as funny as the real guess you'll just have to live with the picture posted above. If you want to go see more(Although I warn you, some aren't...appropriate for those who are younger.....)just go to the site!

MLIA: Some funny and notable MLIA stories I've read:

"A girl in my class today asked me what Hitler's laugh name. While I was laughing hysterically, she then said "OH! Hitler doesn't HAVE a last name! -MLIA"

"I was devastated when one of my roommates hung up a New Moon poster in our dorm, until the next day when she bought a Nerf Dart Gun for the sole purpose of shooting Edward Cullen in the head repeatedly. I think I'm going to like this girl. -MLIA"

"Today, a random girl came up to me a held her hand up for a high-five. I high-fived her. She then pulled out a giant pink lollipop out of her purse. I have never felt so epic in my life. -MLIA"

I've had some "MLIA" worthy moments of my's one:

"Today, I bought a Sprite and set it down beside me while I watched a volleyball finals tournament. Then, a guy in a M&M suit came up and took it. I tried to find him in the halls, but couldn't. While I proceeded to tell my friend what just happened, he came up and handed me my Sprite. Shortly after, he asked me for change..."

That was a strange day...anyways, hope you had a great time because this Anniversary Day is just about done! (It'll feel kind of wierd because I've pretty much been blogging all day...ha ha...) Anyways, thanks for joining me today! Just sit tight for a little longer as we fly through the last minutes of this blog's first anniversary day.


What have I been up to?...

Well, here's a quick update:

What I'm doing right now: Typing, eating a cupcake, drinking water, creating quotes. (Well, more like: Thinking and random phrases that would be great quotes popping into my head.)

What I wish I were doing: Meeting a dolphin, taking pictures of the Niagara Falls, watching the DVD set of my absolute favourite movie/drama/show

What I don't wish to be doing: Getting pricked by a rose, eating sour milk, sky diving, BASE jumping, stuck in the middle of a laser beam forcefield box, attemtping to sing the highest note possible on the piano.

What I might be doing in the future: Buying/eating junk food, defacing "celebrities", playing piano, reading my favourite manga, listening to music, being creeped out by sick-minded friends.

Other: I am currently trying to inquire the power of invisibility. I am also trying to figure out why people on my bus are always insane, hyper, and stupid. Maybe it's the constant huge amounts of Red Bull. Or black magic. or just the fact they have no life. Or have been hypnotized during a magic show and still hasn't broken out of the trance. I'm going with the first 3.


This has been an "Always Deep Words: Happenings At Heart" quick update, by: ME!



(Okay, that sounded slghtly more creepy than intended.)LOL, I hope you enjoyed the slightly long intermission....ON WITH THE SHOW! XD


Anniversary day...

Sorry, I can't post for a bit. I have to go celebrate something, but before I go...

A SPECIAL HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY LITTLE BROTHER! HAPPY BIRTHDAY AND ENJOY YOUR GIFT! (Which you'll get soon. ;) Have fun!) The above "Tranformers" picture is in honor of him. :)

Don't worry, I'll finish off "Always Deep Words: Happenings At Heart"'s ONE WEEK ANNIVERSARY when I get back. ENJOY YOUR INTERMISSION! ^-^


My absolute favourite asian bands...

#1: 183 CLUB

Heard of this band from my ABSOLUTE favourite movie/drama/show. They sing mandarin, though, so I'm not sure how many of you out there would actually understand all the music. I don't have a favourite song, but one of them would be:

真愛(Pure/True Love)
Some lyrics from the song....(Translated to english, of course...)

"We have all once understood and had regrets~A missed opportunity in love is hard to come by again~Don't be afraid to confess or fear being spoiled by you~Forget what you should and shouldn't do~Where will you find true love again~Retrieve all the regrets~The truth of love will be elucidated~Give me more fragments to piece together the unknown accident~The first love after losing my memory"

Also #1: 7 FLOWERS

Same description as above band. This is a band of all girls, though. (The one above was all boys.) They sing together often with 183 Club. The lyrics for one of my favourite songs by them: I can't find any translated because my computer's messed up and so is Google.

YAY ASIAN MUSIC! (Stupid Google...and computer...)