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Sunday, April 3, 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day 30

day 30 → whatever tickles your fancy

Anyways, so...last day! Exactly a month since I've started, too...:P
Anyways....what to talk about...hmm...I am, though, happy that the last day is whatever I want it to be, so I can just spewing at random! XD
I was tempted to do song lyrics or something, but...:P the post would be WAY too long! XD
Okay, so...still spewing random stuff while thinking of what to do for the last day of this challenge...ummm...something that'd be great for a last day...hmm...something that hasn't been done in the past 30(or so :P) days...
Well, I guess I'll just make the last day whatever? XD
Anyways, I guess I'll start off by talking about my strange mixed up feelings about endings of books, movies...a lot of things...:P
I'll use a book as a specific example...
I'm curious to know what the end is (Sometimes, I end up peeking at the last page...^^;...heh heh...)
But at the same time, I don't (really) want the book to end, because then it's over, it's done, that's it, and it leaves me with this mixed up feeling, that feels kind of empty and strange...
Same with things like graduations and whatnot...
I'm a strange one, I know, but, still...when I get near the end, I get this kind of sad, sentimental, slightly empty feeling knowing it's almost finished...(Especially with the book I'm reading right now...'Kissed By An Angel'...)
Strange, isn't it?
Especially with manga, too...(Same with books) I always stare at the last page, or last few pages, for a little while. Usually reading it over and over again or something, just because...trying to clearly pick up the meaning of the ending and whatnot...stuff like that...oh well...
Anyways, I guess this is what the entry ended up being about O.o
Okay, great...I'm not really sure about a pic, but...
Alright...found a pic! It's simple, gets the point across, but if you think about it...there can be a million ways to interpret it. I'm starting to get that empty feeling, especially since I've finished the 30 day challenge now, and because I've pretty much finished the 'Kissed By An Angel' trilogy book...anyways, the end is the start of a beginning? Is the end just...the end? I picked out a simple one for a reason...I found a pretty 'Love' written in cursive with the pencil still finishing up the heart symbol connected to it...saved that too :P
I like the simple white on black with a little bit of fancy...yeah...:P (Left it the original size and centered it (Coincidence ^^;...) too!~)
Anyways, today's the last 30!~

Note before signing off: I'm listening to this song to get into the mood for reading the end! I'm really glad I decided to get this book (Through my brother's book order~:)). This book has touched me, and made me feel different things just by reading it...I laughed, I cried (A lot...^^;...)'s one of my favourites now :) The book a strange could say, touched my heart...~<3

Edit: I just realized that I had been talking about the book since I started reading it (yesterday~). (I was reading 'Beastly' before. It wasn't as good, but I still got kind of an empty feeling, but not as much as with this book. The more I like a book, the more empty I feel when it ends. (And the more I want the book! But usually, I have the book~:P) (A good example is with 'The Gentlemen's Alliance (Cross/Shinsi Doumei Cross)'...I felt really empty when that ended :P) Anyways, this is probably the longest entry in the whole challenge...yesterday's was a close second (I think)...both entries I spent a good chunk of talking about 'Kissed By An Angel'...XD. Anyways, yeah...I'll (kind of) miss coming on to Blogspot everyday to look up what day it is, what I have to post about, then start posting (and blabbing...before this, it had been quite a while since I had been on Blogspot...didn't post that much..(?)) :P...anyways...yeah...
Edit #2 (XD): I just realized how long the edit is! XD (Making the entry longer~:P)

Thanks for reading and following the challenge (With me!),
:) O.O ^-^~ Jenn*~<3~*

Saturday, April 2, 2011


Okay, I wonder if any of you noticed this...?
But, I didn't post an entry yesterday. Even though my 30-Day Challenge is not over yet. (If I had, today would've been the last day, but I planned it so that the last day would be a Sunday :P)
Yeah...not much of a joke, but not much you can do to play a joke on your followers through your blog, can you? Well, if you can, I could've posted an entry wouldn't have worked very about if I would've been...yeah, so....I can't think of one! XD
Seems nobody really noticed April Fools this year? :P
Either that, or my school just doesn't care! (Which would surprise me, but at the same time, would feel totally normal...)
Maybe I posted this a bit late? But it wouldn't have really mattered...because it would've killed the weak joke if I posted this yesterday (?)...XD

Anyways, so...yeah...continue on with your lives, and reading, and whatnot now...yeah...alright...^^;

Note: I just realized that last year, my first post was the day after April Fool's (April 2nd) XD :P I guess this could be considered my make-up for it? Though that doesn't make sense...oh well XD Anyways, yeah :P Shame...who knows what I would've pulled last year...(?) XD

30 Day Challenge: Day 29

day 29 → something that makes you amused

OMG! Second last day!~So close to finishing, hee hee~(My very first 30 day challenge :P)
Anyways, something that makes me amused...shall I just list some? XD
*Seeing smart people do dumb and funny things :P (That's one I see a lot! XD)
*Reading manga where the characters say or do something stupid, or totally cheesy XD
*Watching anime~
*Seeing strange, but funny, pictures (I may or may not have taken XD)
*Fangirling and seeing other people fangirling (XD)
*Other stuff...:P (I'm too lazy to list it all XD)

Anyways, so...yeah...I wasn't sure what to put here, so I just put something from S*A (Special A) I found really funny XD (Even though he said it so bluntly....and she still doesn't get what or why even after...XD) I was going to put a Skip Beat or Wallflower pic, but for Skip Beat, I only had romantic, cool, dramatic scenes (~~~~~~~~~) and for The Wallflower, the funny part wasn't as obvious XD 29~

Note: The book, or more specifically, a trilogy of books all put together into one large (HUGE) book, is called 'Kissed By An Angel''s a book where, no matter how you think about it, there will be no happy ending...and I watched a trailer for the show'movie for it with a little blurb as the description on pretty much strongly hints that there will be no happy ending...:(...TT_TT...a lot of scenes made me cry, and I'm only starting the third book...anyways, yeah...(The song is from the trailer....which is, BTW, fan-made :P )
Edit: I noticed that I spent a pretty good chunk of the entry talking about the trilogy I'm reading, so might as well add that into the tags XD
Edit (Again): I'm sorry if the text on the picture is hard to read...if you click on it, it turns into a much better size, if that helps at all! ^^;...

Thursday, March 31, 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day 28

day 28 → a food

Day 21 was a recipe, and now it's 'a food'? I should do the Canadian thing and say 'poutine'. XD
Alright then, that's what I'll do! XD
Anyways, finally, a non-belated day! Yipee!
Yay for day 28...~:P

Note: I love how the pic's bigger than the entry...I think the poutine is more tempting than the entry? XD Edit: Until after I added this XD

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day 27

day 27 → a poem

A poem...? I'm not sure whether you mean one I wrote myself, one by someone else...whatever?
Well, I don't really want to put up one I wrote (Heh heh...), so one by someone else? Sonnets count, right? XD
Well, since we're doing 'Romeo and Juliet' in English right now...(Just finished the balcony scene last class! Reading again tomorrow :P I was (Played/read the part of) the nurse after Romeo and Juliet first met! XD~)
Shakespeare's 'Shall I Compare Thee To A Summer's Day'?

Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate:
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer's lease hath all too short a date:
Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,
And often is his gold complexion dimm'd;
And every fair from fair sometime declines,
By chance or nature's changing course untrimm'd;
But thy eternal summer shall not fade
Nor lose possession of that fair thou owest;
Nor shall Death brag thou wander'st in his shade,
When in eternal lines to time thou growest:
So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,
So long lives this and this gives life to thee.

Anyways, yay!
(Belated) Day 27...

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day 26

day 26 → a place

A place? Well...does home count? XD
Anyways, if you're talking about a vacation place...
CHINA! (Specifically Guangdong, Shanghai, Hong Kong, etc.) (Only been there once :P)
Japan! (Cherry Blossom viewing! Tokyo~)
Too many others to list? XD
Anyways, short (belated) day 26, but...:P

Monday, March 28, 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day 25

day 25 → an object/a belonging

I'm sorry for the delay(s)! Blame my messed up computer...ugh...-__-" Anyways, before it gets any worse today, I'm going to catch up on my 30 Day Challenge!

Okay, an object/belonging...I'll just list random stuff?

*My Teddy Bear: It may seem kiddish, yes, but I got it on my first birthday from my grandfather, so it means a lot to me! Plus I love cute animals, especially cute stuffed ones, so...
*My Poem Book(s): Every time I'm sad, or happy, or just because, I'll write a poem in my poem book. I'm on my third book now, though, heh heh...:P Anyways, makes me feel better. I don't really think of the poem beforehand or anything...I mean, I might think of a theme or line or something then write a poem because of that, but....yeah....moving on now :P
*My Diary: I mean...diaries...:P I have like, 5 or 6! XD It's hard keeping track of all of them...(I only know where 4 or 5 of them are :P) It's nice looking back on them and thinking one of three 3 things:
*'Wow...I was stupid back could I write that!?' O.O
*'Ah...I remember that! I miss those times...hee hee...'
*Other...(Such as: 'Things sure have changed since then...' 'Some things never change, do they?' 'What the-!?' XD, etc.)
(If you haven't noticed, I like writing a lot! Hee hee...of course, you probably would've noticed if you took a look at my LJ too :P)
*My I-Pod! I listen to it while doing homework, writing poems, writing in my diary, with friends, on a trip, on a plane, when I'm bored...when I'm sad, when I'm happy, and just because! You see, my I-Pod and music are very important to me! (That and my pics, vids, etc. :P) Too bad I can't put music from this iTunes onto my iPod yet! :P

Anyways, there's a lot more, but I think it'll take forever to list them all...:P
So....(belated) day 25!~

Sunday, March 27, 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day 24

day 24 → whatever tickles your fancy

I am SO sorry I missed a day...(Again ^^;...)

Anyways, I guess today I'll list 3 things I don't think come out early enough? I dunno :P

*Manga (Skip Beat is kind of slow sometimes, but Liar's been like, a year, and still no chapter TT_TT Wahhhh...)
Speaking about Liar Game...this one pic (Not the one along with this post :P) of Akiyama made me jump XD It was wierd because it was awkward :P Long story XD
Yeah...and manga books here...
Basically, manga XD
Oh, and new music...well, I guess it's just the whole 'waiting for it' part :P

Anyways, yeah...(belated) day 24...:P
Day 25 is going to have to be belated too, I'm sorry...^^;
My computer's not working too good today :(
So no pic or anything, I'm sorry...when it (my computer) gets better, then I'll fix everything ^^;

Saturday, March 26, 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day 23

day 23 → a YouTube video

Funny how I posted Youtube as a website for my post yesterday XD
So close to being finished O.O XD
Anyways, a Youtube video...heh heh...well, I'm tempted to post a Nigahiga (Or Bubzbeauty) one :P BUT since I'm practically obsessed with dramas and animes, I'll post links to 3...

La Corda D'Oro episode 7...THIS EPISODE IS SO SWEET~<3
I would post a 'Prince Who Turns Into a Frog' vid, but I can't decide on one episode XD
Yay Nigahiga!

Okay, that's 3...(I count the Prince Who Turns Into A Frog as one...:P I just can't decide XD)
Anyways, yay day 23...:P

Note: I don't like the song I'm listening to...I honestly DO NOT...but...the lyrics aren't bad...:P...and if I make my friend listen to the lyrics I have to XD
Those are my friends...
"I know you just want to help me, but...NOOOOOOOOOOO. *Runs away* *Comes back* Unless you listen to the lyrics with me..."
When the little kid starts singing, I feel like it's kind of...awkward? O.o

Friday, March 25, 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day 22

day 22 → a website

Well, I'm going to list 3...
*Youtube (Animes and chinese dramas~)
*Mangareader (MANGAAA)
*Mangafox (MANGAAA)

Anyways, yeah....I love manga, animes, etc...
Day 22, yay! (A short day :P)

Thursday, March 24, 2011


So, we all know about what happened in Japan, right? (If not, go look it up on Google....and watch the news or something...)

Well, I'm helping my friend send our best wishes to them! Using 1000 cranes!
A bunch of (mostly asian XD) people at my school are helping her fold 1000 cranes...with our (chinese, when applicable) names of one wing and 'Japan' (In japanese/chinese, when applicable XD) on the other wing...(I've only done about 60 something so far :P)
Anyways, so yeah...they're going to be sent to Showa High School (In Showa, Yamanashi)...
I'm happy I'm able to help/show support in any way...(I've gotten so many people to help...I can barely close my pencil case from all the cranes people are giving me to give to her to send to Japan...)
We're trying to finish by Saturday so she can send them off...(Through her sensei...)

Note: Sorry if the picture is cut of...blame LJ >_<

I'm truly hoping that Japan will find/get the help and support they need to build themselves back up...

♥~Praying For Japan~♥

30 Day Challenge: Day 21

day 21 → a recipe

(I almost did this day yesterday XD)
A recipe...I guess my mom's honey chicken? Or her Asian meatloaf? XD I can't decide...XD I was tempted to say 'this cool cupcake recipe I saw in a book!' but...^^;
Anyways, the real one I like is better, but...XD 21...:P

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day 19

day 19 → a talent of yours

Well, I guess I'll just say 3?...maybe? O.o

*Figuring out songs by ear (On the piano)
*Learning languages (If I really want to, I can learn words/phrases subconsciously!)
*Writing (Stories and stuff...I'm very visual/imaginative....the visual thing is both a good and bad thing XD) (Which can help for comics...which my friend says I'm very good at?)

Anyways, can't believe I'm more than halfway through this already O.O XD
Anyways, yay day 19! (I realized that my pictures are getting more specific to the post...unlike the first one, which was pretty general :P)

Note: The picture is of 'Tong Hua' the first song I figured out both left and right hands, and pretty well too~
So, yeah....(Obviously, my way is a little different, but...oh well :P This is also my favourite song, and the way I congratulated myself for getting into a certain program!~) (Sorry if it looks kind of weird...^^;...)

Monday, March 21, 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day 18

day 18 → whatever tickles your fancy

Okay, well, I spent March Break reading manga...(As I mentioned before)
SKIP*BEAT! (Again, as I mentioned before :P...well, maybe MORE than mentioned XD)

So I want to put the scene I spent the longest time fangirling about!~

Let me tell you what's really happening, kind of...(What the people are saying...)

Note: The '...'s in Ren's thoughts are the montages of images that he's seeing :P (What's happening between Kyoko and Sho XD)

Ren's thoughts: 'When I first met her, I could already...see her "specialness". And then...when we met again...her "specialness"...had become like no ordinary specialness. The reason she leapt into a world in which she had no interest...was him. In this fiercely competitive didn't take much time...for those two to meet up once more. Despite the fact that their genres...and their popularity...were completely different. It's almost as if...those two...could this be their fate? "Fate"...? For those be together? This kind of thing...Even if...It's God's will...Even if it's destiny...I shall...Destroy it. Even if...I must go against God.'


What Sho was saying: (You should've seen the look on Ren's face when he started saying this!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~<3 *fangirling again*) BUT I LOVE THIS SCENE!!! Anyways, here is what he was saying: 'To are...the one I lo-'

HE WAS ABOUT TO SAY 'To me you are the one I love'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Ren interrupts them after watching them :P Of course he pretends he was walking down casually when he was watching all this time :P
(Even Sho is suspicious...:P)

Anyways, yeah! There were a lot in like, every manga, but intense! (How could Kyoko not know what he was saying!? XD)


Day 18...:P (Such a long post...:P What happens when I start fangirling XD)

Note: LOVE LOVE LOVE this manga! (Totally want this volume for my birthday!~) ^-^~<3 (My #2...number 1 is Gentlemen's Alliance!) Listening to 'Airplanes-B.o.B ft. Hayley Williams'...also, I always listen to this song when I'm reading this manga :P (Not the Eminem one :P)

Note: Even though I usually follow a pattern when posting my pics, I love this one, so I'm putting it center! YAY FANGIRLING! XD~<3♥

Saturday, March 19, 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day 17

day 17 → an art piece (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.)

I wasn't really sure what art piece to pick (I really like this painting of a cherry blossom, and general chinese paintings...there are also some cool sculptures I've seen, hee hee...), so I guess I'll just pick the picture I drew for my friend? It was based on a pic found on the Internet, though. Anyways, I'm too lazy to pick one, so I'm just going to go with this. It's a chibi drawing of The GazettE!~

Yay for Day 17....(March Break is almost over...I'm a bad person because I've only kind of started my homework...^^;...)

Note: I'm sorry it's vertical like that...sideways...I scanned it that way before, so...^^;....

(Right now, I'm listening to 'Everytime We Touch (Slow Version) by Cascada!~The song is, as mentioned before, from a La Corda D'Oro video...Hino & Tsukimori Violin Romance!~<3)

Friday, March 18, 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day 16

day 16 → a song that makes you cry (or nearly)

I've actually kind of been looking forward to this day!
Well, I can't decide, really, but I would say one of the following:
*Sea Of Trees-SCREW
*Miseinen (Piano and violin version)-The GazettE
*TOUCH THE SKY (Drama version)-From the OST drama '3000 Miles in Search of my Son'
*Everytime We Touch (Slow Vers.)-Cascada (Heard in a La Corda D'Oro video!~)

Anyways, 16!~
(By the way, the pic is of the drama, because I can't find the band/singer/composer for this....I'm sorry...^^;...)

30 Day Challenge: Day 15

day 15 → a manga (originally fanfic, but I don't actually read any :P)

Right now, I'm reading a few manga: (I may have mentioned this before...) (Can't decide on one :P)

BTW: I am sorry I missed posting yesterday, eh heh...bad memory, then I spent all of yesterday and most of today reading manga and watching anime....^^;

*La Corda D'Oro (Also watching the anime :P Currently watching it, actually!)
*Skip Beat (Re-reading my favourite chapters~)
*The Wallflower(~)
*High School Debut (Volume 5)
*Vampire Knight~
*Also watching 'Prince Who Turns Into a Frog, but that isn't really an anime or manga is it? ^^;

Anyways, so I'll move on to do Day 16 now...(Don't want to be any more behind :P)

Sorry again for the delay! This might happen a few times, but...^^;'s still fun (For me :P)~

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day 14

day 14 → a non-fictional book

As I mentioned yesterday, day 14 is 'a non-fictional book'.
This one is kind of hard for me to decide because I don't tend to read non-fictional books..^^;
I guess it would be the 'Guinness World Record' books in general?
Well, parts of it :P
Not going to talk about that...(It would take too long XD)
(Though I was happy to find out Link made Number 2 in Top 50 Characters in the 'Guinness World Records 2011: Gamer's Edition' brother's :P)
Anyways, so 14!


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day 13

day 13 → a fictional book

Wasn't day 04 'Your favourite book'? And day 14 is 'a non-fictional book' it supposed to be just some random book? Like, that you recently read or something???????
Well, I guess a fictional book I recently read?
Well, recently, I've read like, 10 thousand manga (From the library and Chapters, hee hee...) so I guess just series/books I've read lately?
*Skip Beat (The newest translated chapter~hee hee~)
*Ouran High School Host Club (Volume 15~)
*The Wallflower (Hee hee!)
*Vampire Knight (Also the new translated sad...:(...) (I just finished reading the latest translated chapter a few mintes ago, so that's the pic I put up...:P)
*Princess Mia (Part of the Princess Diaries series.....:P)
*Stepping on Roses
*Pink Innocent

Anyways, yeah...:P (6 or 7 are manga...yeah...XD)
Anyways, day 13....yay....*Goes back to read manga*

Monday, March 14, 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day 12

day 12 → whatever tickles your fancy

Ok, well...whatever I feel like, right? Well, I guess favourite J-Rock band?
I think it would be The GazettE?
But Alice Nine is a close second...:P (I don't have a very good picture of Alice Nine anyways :P...except for Rainbows XD)
Anyways, yeah....yay day 12...

Note: I know I shpuld probably be saying that I listen to The GazettE, but I'm listening to every song (Except for most of the Christmas ones :P) on my iTunes, so...:P But if it was a GazettE song, it would have been Cassis~

Sunday, March 13, 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day 11

day 11 → a picture you recently saved

Okay, well, even though I saved this pic to make a fake ad for my science project, it's pretty much the most recent...(Besides the pics on my posts...but you've already seen all that :P)
Anyways, it's still pretty!
A little too much white reflection, but it's still nice, and a little calming...
Anyways, that's day 11! (I'm happy that I've remembered to post every day so far :P MARCH BREAK! That was out of nowhere, but...)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day 10

day 10 → a picture you saved last year (It was originally over 10 years ago, but I didn't have a computer 10 years ago...:P)

Well, I saw this picture when I was looking up some pics for a project I was doing at school (Yes, on the slow school computers :P), and I loved it so much I couldn't help saving it! I like it a lot...of course, there are a lot of pics I saved last year, (As I got this computer just last year XD) but this one caught my attention! It just brings back memories of my old school :)
Anyways, that's day 10!

Note: Again, Blogspot resized it a bit too much, but it's still okay...:P

Friday, March 11, 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day 09

day 09 → a photo you took

This is a pic of the Niagara Falls, with a rainbow! It's not photoshopped or anything....there just happened to be a rainbow, and it was so pretty I took a picture. If you ever get the chance, you should totally go see the Niagara Falls. It's truly breathtaking...:) (I love taking pictures, it's fun...hee hee...especially pictures of strange but cool things, or pretty views, etc.)
Anyways, isn't it so pretty? (the sky is a nice colour too, and the clouds are nice as's so pretty!!!)
So yeah, day 09...^-^~

Note: Blogspot automatically resized it, so....^^;...I'm sorry if it's not that nice!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day 08

day 08 → a picture that makes you angry/sad

Okay, well, there's not really a picture that is true for this, but, I guess the tablet art of fruit, etc. shown above...I couldn't really decide on pictures etc, drawn by this person (Chuzhang, though I'm sure most of you don't know who this person is XD Thought I should give him credit for the picture, though.), who is in a fight with my other friend, which is why this picture makes me kind of angry/sad....:(
Anyways, not going into go into all that weird detail and why I chose the picture and stuff...
Anyways, 08....yaaaay...

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day 07

day 07 → a picture that makes you happy

Okay, well, since I can't decide...(Too much manga, pretty pics, etc.) I decided on one I took myself! It's the moon in the morning, hee hee...there was another one, with part of the cityscape reflected in the water, but I couldn't exactly find it, so...:P
Anyways, 07!~

Note: It's so late...up doing math...@_@ (ISU!!!!!! >.<)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day 06

day 06 → whatever tickles your fancy

Ok, well....whatever tickles my fancy...umm....can I just start talking about random things? Probably favourite flower?

Roses and lilies, hee used to be lilies, but roses are really pretty too, so...I would probably put (Japanese) Cherry blossom as third....<3

Monday, March 7, 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day 05

day 05 → your favourite quote

Okay, well, I don't have one, but if you exclude song names, then I guess it would be one of the following 3:

*"Everyone wants to be happy, no one wants pain, but you can't have a rainbow without any rain."

*"Life isn't measured by how many breaths you take, but by how many moments took your breath away." (I used this in my grade 7 speech on the Top 10 Places to see!)

*"If you love something, let it go. If it comes back to you, it's yours. If it doesn't, it never was."

Sunday, March 6, 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day 04

day 04 → your favourite book

My favourite book...hmm....there are so many, but if manga counts (Heh heh...) Gentlemen's Alliance Cross Volume 11! (The last la...) There are too many non-manga books to choose from...(It's already hard to choose from manga! XD 04...yay!

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Well, as you can see, I have a new layout! (I might change it soon, though...)
Right now, it's a plane in the sky....what do you think? Hmm....:P

Also, I now have a 'Top 10 Most Popular Posts Of All Time!' on the sidebar, and a fish app! (Just scroll down to see them :P)

30 Day Challenge: Day 03

day 03 → your favourite television program

Okay, well...if Asian dramas are included, then:
*~The Prince Who Turns Into a Frog~*
I absolutely love that show! It's amazing! ^-^~<3

If you're talking about regular televisions programs...I don't know...Spongebob? XD

Friday, March 4, 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day 02

day 02 → your favourite movie

Well, I can't really decide on that....(I barely watch movies :P) But if you're asking about movies in general, then....I guess....Mulan? I haven't watched too many movies, but I remember loving that movie when I was a child...(I like Asian dramas, but all those are shows, so...:P)
Alright then....favourite movie: Mulan!
Well, day 02 is done....

Side Note: I remember reading the short version of this as a Chinese story (Poem-like)....*~^-^~* The picture is so Asian :P Also, I'm still listening to my Top 25 Most Played on iTunes :P...I'm currently listening to it for the 3rd time, on number 13 XD

Edit: I was just looking up some of my favourite Asian dramas to double check that they were shows, and saw this ad for an interesting Asian drama on Dramawiki....when I posted this on my other blog, the same ad came up...XD

Thursday, March 3, 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day 01

Day 01→Your favourite song
Okay, since I can't actually decide one this...the top 25 most played songs on my iTunes!
1. Lucifer-SHINee
2. Nighttime-Alex of Clazziquai
3. Perfect Moment-Martine Mccutcheon
4. RED-The GazettE (I listened to this so much when it first came out, especially :P)
5. You're Not Alone (Piano Version)-Saosin
6. River Flows In You-Yiruma (So pretty!)
7. Still Doll-Kanon Wakeshima (From one of my favourite manga's anime versions...)
8. Both Hands-Loveholic
9. Shed A Tear-Ryan Higam KevJumba, Chestersee (XD)
10. Sea Of Trees-SCREW (Such a sad song...)
11. Change-Taylor Swift
12. Stuttering-Fefe Dobson
13. Guren-The GazettE (Yay...more GazettE!)
14. About You Now-Miranda Cosgrove
15. The Diary Of Jane-Breaking Benjamin
16. Kokoro no Tamago-Buono! (Apparently Google thinks Kokoro is a word, but Tamago is not...?)
17. Miseinen (Piano and Violin)[Nameless Liberty.SixGuns Live]-The GazettE (So this song!)
18. Mine-Taylor Swift
19. Urineun-Lee Seung Yeol (How is 'Urineun' a word on Google? O.o XD)
20. Wolgwang(Moonlight)-W&Whale
21. Run Devil Run-Girls' Generation
22. Don't Speak-No Doubt
23. Cosmic World-Alice Nine.
24. Fearless-Taylor Swift
(I can't copy and paste from iTunes, so I couldn't put some of the Asian names on here :P)
Cassis (By The GazettE) and Tong Hua (Definitely Tong Hua by Guang Liang!) should probably be on there somewhere, but that's from my old iTunes...:P (I have two computers now @_@) Oh well...:P

Anyways, so that's day 01...

Side Note: I love the rainbow piano picture! It's so cool! Hee hee...

The 30-Day Challenge: Intro

Okay, well...I saw this interesting 'challenge'...
It's called the '30-Day Challenge'.
I've tweaked some of it...(To fit myself :P)
Anyways, I'll be starting that today...
Below is the actual challenge:
30 Day Challenge Details
day 01 → your favourite song
day 02 → your favourite movie
day 03 → your favourite television program
day 04 → your favourite book
day 05 → your favourite quote
day 06 → whatever tickles your fancy
day 07 → a picture that makes you happy
day 08 → a picture that makes you angry/sad
day 09 → a photo you took
day 10 → a picture you saved last year (It was originally over 10 years ago, but I didn't have a computer 10 years ago...:P)
day 11 → a picture you recently saved
day 12 → whatever tickles your fancy
day 13 → a fictional book
day 14 → a non-fictional book
day 15 → a manga (originally fanfic, but I don't actually read any :P)
day 16 → a song that makes you cry (or nearly)
day 17 → an art piece (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.)
day 18 → whatever tickles your fancy
day 19 → a talent of yours
day 20 → a hobby of yours (Originally spelt 'hobbie'....XD)
day 21 → a recipe
day 22 → a website
day 23 → a YouTube video
day 24 → whatever tickles your fancy
day 25 → an object/a belonging
day 26 → a place
day 27 → a poem
day 28 → a food
day 29 → something that makes you amused
day 30 → whatever tickles your fancy
Anyways, hope I'll remember to do this! ^-^~*

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

*New Beginnings*

Note: if you're wondering what the picture's a rose made of music sheets! So cool! I love this...hee hee...anyways, onto the actual post...(Such a long post....^^; )

I've been thinking...(Yes, another post...:P I'm feeling talkative....blame the white sugar rose I ate from Miss Havisham's bridal cake (If you don't know what this's a Great Expectations know, that book by Charles Dickens? Yeah...just read that for English :P Google doesn't accept 'Havisham' as a word :P)...this year hasn't been the greatest...(I should add that this is a pretty, ehh....'light' way to put it, eh heh...anyways, I decided to change a few things around here! When I say 'here', I mean the blog :P

A lot has happened this year....(I know how little of the year has actually passed, though it has passed quickly...), some which are good, others...not so much. (I'm sure you all know what I mean. If you don't....well, then...)

Anyways, I'm going to type in a bunch of songs lyrics and stuff like that! (Food for Thought...) I wonder if you recognize any of the lyrics? (I'll put the song name after the song lyrics, no's not going to be a total guessing game...unless you want it to be?) Alright, here we go!

"Everyone wants to be happy, no wants pain, but you can't have a rainbow without any rain." (Not a song lyrics, by the way, but I love this quote!) (Not all these songs are on my iTunes, and you may not like all the songs, but I like certain parts of the lyrics, so...) (This is going to be long....sorry about that!)

"Every one can tell you how
When it's all said and done
(Oh woah oh)
And harder times will change your mind
And make you want to run
But you want it
And you need it
Like you need to breath the air
If they doubt you
Just believe it
That's enough to get you there"
(Make It Shine-Victoria Justice)

"Memories are always beautiful
In the eyes of everyone...
We can look back on the past
Because we passed there
We stopped and stepped forward again...
We got hurt
Even lost sight of light
And gave up more than once
But still we are here
Now, let's stand up without fear
For the sake of no one else" (Translated from Japanese to English: Marionette-Ayumi Hamasaki)

"You and I. Neither speaking or seeing eachother...
I'll keep these feelings in my heart
Because you're gone now...
Still memories flash back!...
I can no longer say 'You and I'" (Translated from japanese to English: Sands Of Time-BACK-ON)

"Something's getting in the way
Something's just about to break
I will try to find my place...
As I look the other way" (The Diary Of Jane-Breaking Benjamin)

"Did you forget everything we ever had?...
But somewhere we went wrong
We were once so strong...
So now I guess this is where we have to stand...
And all the past is just a lesson that we've learned." (Don't Forget-Demi Lovato)

"In the season, the month of April, the song written on the sand vanishes.
At the bottom it is a dark and endless tomorrow.
To meet, to say goodbye under the blue sky...
What is love if it just drifts away and it's gone?...
The weight of sadness more than the weight of the pain.
The spring when I looked for you the sand of the sea disappears."(Translated from Japanese to English: Saiyo/Sajou no Uta-Dir en Grey)

"The people ask me how,
How I've lived 'till now.
I tell them I don't know.
I guess they understand
How lonely life has been.
But life began again...
And yes, I know how lonely life can be.
The shadows follow me, and the night won't set me free...
You set my spirit free.
I'm happy that you do...
The book of life is brief
And once a page is read,
All but love is dead.
That is my belief." (And I Love You So-Don McLean)

"Have you ever been lonely
Lost and paralyzed
Trynna find a way out
But no one hears your cries
Have you ever been stranded
No strength to carry on
This is my reality...
Things haven't been the same
I turned left when I shoulda turned right
And now I'm gone lost in the night...
So come and rescue me...
It's cold and it's empty
Just trying to exist
When I all I have is memories
Of everything I miss...
Show me a sign 'cause I'm drowning inside" (S.O.S-Elise Estrada)

"Life in the fast lane
Fake name to try to fit in
And there's no shame
You'll change for any occasion
It's a tough pill to swallow
When you swim with the shallow
You're just another pretty face...
Blinded by the lights...
But what goes up must come down...
All that glitters ain't gold
Dreams are made not sold
This place can be cold
It's time to go home." (You're So Hollywood-Elise Estrada)

"...I've gotta put my game face on...
Until all the tears are gone
I've gotta paint all the pain away
Make like - I’m ok
Pretend I don’t wanna stay
Act like this ain't killing me...
I gotta pretend that this is what I wanna do...
Gotta play the part act like it ain't killing me...
I’m sick of looking in the mirror
Cause my mirror sees right through...
I've gotta cover up my hurt
No more-getting burnt...
It’s the hardest role I’ll ever have to play
It’s the hardest lie I’ll ever have to make
To look you in the eye
And not break down and cry
When I say goodbye...
Hide what's written on my face" (Lipstick-Elise Estrada)

"Along with the painful things-Almost to the point of forgetting-
I'm thinking of you...
Anxiety grows in my chest...
Collecting different types of loneliness; please don't cry alone
No matter how far apart we are, let's go on believing in each other
I want to remain smiling like this somehow
Without hurting you
Those emotions that had faded away with time,
I don't want to feel them again...
I will walk together, the future not promised
It keeps walking together, to future in which you are..." (Translated from Japanese to English: Cassis-The GazettE)

"The little freedom which I know
All which I should keep
It may be lost someday
Anyone is the same...
Let's deliver nonfiction
A song like misfortune pride...
The only means to prove oneself...
Nothing is different from you
Look as one human being...
The little freedom which I know
The dream which I should keep
It may be lost someday...
No one can be saved with a lie...
To ascertain each other's wound...
In the middle of chaos
The only means to prove oneself" (Translated from Japanese to English: IN THE MIDDLE OF CHAOS-The GazettE) (By the way, there are no caps's just like that :P)

"Stealing never ends sadness, if you have a conscience.
Here it goes away, Along with your heart...
In any form ask that tommorrow returns.
Shake off the feeling of confusion from believing...
I have no words to fill the immensity of the distance.
I also knew it would in due time disappear.
Every day you said "I can't help but remember..."...
Even in dreams you're alone..." (Translated from Japanese to English: Shiver-The GazettE)

"The rain that began to fall dissolves into the dry asphalt,
in the chill I wrap these hands mingling with a slight heat...
The rain that began to fall put the scent of soil on the wind,
my face reflects in a tepidly gathering puddle
Is it fine this way? Although there’s only one answer,
this is the conclusion that my gave rise to my worries, so please don’t ask me anymore...
If I blame myself will my feelings become a little easier?
You see, I’m always just playing the victim
Even if we walk and smile at one another, glossing things over,
the rain washes everything away,
The day you announced our separation, in truth I was crying
Dissolve this lie of a smile
Continuing to hesitate, continuing to worry,
I think I can become stronger
Continuing to hesitate, continuing to worry,
so until the day I can smile at such days
Continuing to hesitate, continuing to worry,
I think I can become stronger
Continuing to hesitate, continuing to worry,
so until the day I can smile at such days" (Translated from Japanese to English: Crying Rain-Girugamesh) (Just realized that's almost the whole song :P)

"We started to walk calmly and determinedly
With the same scar in our hearts
With our backs to each other
Without looking back
We believed
We found out one unchanged thing
But we felt it was changing
And took a step back
Yet another step back afterwards
So as not to be hurt
I wanted to say "Thank you"
I couldn't say "Thank you"
Because it's like "Good-bye for ever"
And too sad
Maybe I shall be born again to myself some day
And start a journey to seek for you
One day
When I happened to be puzzled a little
By a new and unfamiliar view
Which I must have chosen
The gentle wind just like you
Blew by me
I wanted to say "I love you"
I couldn't say "I love you"
But I feel it was both my biggest lie
And the truth
Even if I'm born again to someone else
I'll start a journey to seek for you" (Translated from Japanese to English: Together When...-Ayumi Hamasaki) (Yeah...the whole song...XD...Opps...:P)

"In the time that we were moving on,
Didn’t we meet by fate? You and I
I keep this overflowing feeling warm,
So it won’t disappear
In the glistening future,
I want to be together with you.
Brand New Breeze~.
I never felt this feeling before...
To catch me, and to show me your smile....
Both today and tomorrow,
I can keep on going...
The tale begins now
Just for us~.
And I won’t let it end for forever…" (Translated from Japanese To English: Brand New Breeze-Kanon)

"Twelve of them shining bright in vain like flowers that blossom just once in years
They're dancing in the shadow like whispers of love just dreaming of a place where they're free as dove
They've never been allowed to love in this cursed cage
It's only the fairy tale they believe..." (It's Only The Fairytale-Miyamura Yuuko Composed by: Yuki Kajiura)

"Hi Miss Alice
With your glass eyes
What kind of dream
Can you see?
Are you fascinated with?
My heart tears
And drifts
Stuck in the patched crevices
Are memories...
To whom does love
Is cast away?
Is lamented?
I spin my words...
The song to love
Can't be sung either" (Translated from Japanese to English: Still Doll-Kanon Wakeshima)

"Do you ever feel like a plastic bag
Drifting throught the wind
Wanting to start again
Do you ever feel, feel so paper thin
Like a house of cards
One blow from caving in
Do you ever feel already buried deep
Six feet under scream
But no one seems to hear a thing
Do you know that there's still a chance for you
Cause there's a spark in you
You just gotta ignite the light
And let it shine...
Come on show 'em what you're worth...
As you shoot across the sky...
Come on let your colors burst...
You don't have to feel like a waste of space
You're original, cannot be replaced
If you only knew what the future holds
After a hurricane comes a rainbow
Maybe you're reason why all the doors are closed
So you could open one that leads you to the perfect road
Like a lightning bolt, your heart will blow
And when it's time, you'll know...
Even brighter than the moon
It's always been inside of you
And now it's time to let it through...
You're going to leave them all in awe." (Firework-Katy Perry)

"Knocked down unappreciated
Day is losing grip on the light
And everywhere I turn there is night
Locked out and confused I waited
I saw but never opend my eyes
Alone together blinded by lies
And I could never get through...
If I give you the world would it be enough for you
Not for you
If I tore out my heart and my mind and wrapped them nicely
I can deal with the hurt and the blame
But not for you...
And I don't wanna stay...
Imposing to be real when she's fake
And I could never reach you" (Not For You-Kylee) (A song in English, after all the Japanese songs :P)

That's not all, but there might be a bit too much (already), so...:P Maybe next time? XD Maybe you'll need time to get through these...XD

Anyways, see you next post....


My 5-Point Star

Side Note Before I Begin: Wow...that last post was longer than I expected...good thing I separated it into paragraphs! Anyways...onto the post, and the actual topic!

Anyways, about my 5-Point Star:
*Every month, for the next 5 months, I'm going to choose 3+ different topics (At random, mostly....there may be an obvious reason/connection, but there may not be...)
*Using the 3+ topics I've chosen, I'm going to create one of the following: (**Insert sigh because Blogspot won't let me 'tab'/indent it....**)
*A short story (And this time, I will try my best not to make it too long...)
*A short poem
*A random post (Basically, if I get a new/better idea, then....yeah...)

Ex: January's (Which has past...) topics might be: White demon, garnet, Capricorn, hot chocolate (This is a good example of topics which pretty much have no (obvious) relation in any way with eachother...I mean, how are white demons and hot chocolate related to eachother?) And I might, for these topics, create a story about a hot chocolate loving white demon who is on a quest to find a magical Garnet to save a Capricorn. Random (Thought of it off of the top of my head :P), but it works! Usually, though, expect birthstones or astrological signs as a topic....I might get stuck on topics :P
Ex: (This one is more obvious :P) February's topics might be: Mage, Roses, Chocolate, Valentines, Love, Amethyst, heart (This has a more obvious relation....Valentine's Day!) I might write a poem about a mage's love, involving roses, chocolate, valentines, love, amethysts, who loves someone with all his heart. (That sounds so lame and cheesy...XD....again, off the top of my head...)

Anyways, if you still don't get it, well those over and over again until you do! XD
(Okay, Taylor Swift just came onto my iTunes a couple seconds ago (Back to December :P)...hmmm...I wonder if that's where the lame and cheesy poem idea came from?)

Anyways...I'll think of something for March! See you soon! :P

Note: I just realized how cool the white background for my star charm looks....hmm....XD

It's Been So Long Since I've Posted @_@

OK, one word, I've been:
Super busy @_@
On the brighter side, I've been going super manga crazy! (Otaku!) If you don't understand why that's a good thing, you'll need to look on the Otaku side of things :P (If you don't know what an Otaku is, I have two suggestions for you: a) Go read some manga or something b) Look it up XD) Some of the manga I can't stop reading:
*Vampire Knight (Love that manga!!! Listening to 'I Have A Dream' from the Vampire Knight OST right now...^-^~)
*Ouran High School Host Club (It's starting to get really good! And it has a nice dose of comedy...hee hee...)
*La Corda D'Oro (Started watching the anime like, 2 or so months ago...I love it!)
*The Wallflower (This book is actually really good...hee hee...)
*And many others...(Basically: Too many to list XD)

Anyways, I've been super bored, lately....there's been, well...everything?
I've decided one thing, though:
Also, if you're wondering about the piano keyboard in the picture...
Piano's been a huge part of my life lately (If you count out homework...and stress....and you know, the usual...)
How? Well....
(Besides the piano exam I just had in January @_@)
I've been learning a lot of new songs and things like that! It's been nice...^-^~
Anyways, after this huge snow storm(ish) day, I realized how much I miss my old friend :( (I see some of them sometimes....kind of...)
I hope I get to see them soon...
Anyways...I'm counting down the months to summer...which will be all volunteer-hour crazy for me @_@. Hopefully, I'll find time to hang out with friends, relax, and lazy and get to do all the stuff school makes me too busy to do! XD

To count down the days to summer, I'm making a 5-point star for myself! (Why do I mention 5-point when we all know that obviously stars are 5 points? For starters, there are such things as 6, 7, etc. point stars, they're just not the first thing to come into our minds when we think of 'star', AND because there are 4 months left until summer! And since I'm probably going to spend July doing volunteer hours, there are essentially, 5 months until I can finally relax!

I've been going through my iTunes to songs I haven't heard for a while ^-^~(I finally have around 250 songs on my new iTunes, bringing my total song count to AT LEAST 550! ^-^~) much to say...okay, I'm going to continue on another post! (Ahahahahahahaha...)

And in case you ever need a quote to make yourself sound amazing: (Because who doesn't want to sound amazing? ;) ) It's also good food for thought...hee hee...enjoy! (And since we're starting to talk about Shakespeare in English....)

"Honesty is the best policy. If I lose mine honor, I lose myself. -William Shakespeare"

This has been an "Always Deep Words: Happenings At Heart" quote of the day.
Brought to you by: "Honesty Quotes and Sayings from Quotes N' Sayings"
Note: if you think the 'mine honor' is a mistake. It's not. The quote is actually like that. I googled it to make sure :P...